China test-launched an intercontinental ballistic missile | News in brief

China test launched an intercontinental ballistic missile News in brief

An intercontinental ballistic missile was launched into the Pacific Ocean.

China’s Ministry of Defense says the country’s armed forces have conducted a missile test with an intercontinental ballistic missile.

According to the ministry’s announcement, the missile had a practice warhead instead of a real warhead. The missile was launched into the Pacific Ocean and fell in the area where it was designed to land.

– The test was a routine launch as part of the annual exercise plan, the ministry said in a statement.

China is one of the world’s nuclear weapons states. It conducted its first nuclear test almost 50 years ago in October 1964.

Last October, the US Department of Defense said China had developed its nuclear arsenal faster than the US had anticipated. It estimates that China will have 500 operational nuclear warheads in May 2023. According to the estimate, China will probably have more than a thousand nuclear warheads by 2030.
