Kristin Kaspersen’s sour gesture to Peg Parnevik

Kristin Kaspersens sour gesture to Peg Parnevik

Peg Parnevik and Filip Kaspersen Lamprecht got together in 2017, but their relationship was far from friction-free. The relationship was marred by drama and breakups. Peg has also told us that they went to couples therapy to make everything work. Things got really bad between the couple when Filip was to compete in Let’s Dance in the spring of 2021. Rumors quickly started that Filip and his dance partner Linn Hegdal would be a couple.

Linn Hegdal and Filip Kaspersen Lamprecht in Let’s Dance. Rumors immediately started that they would be a couple. Image source: Stella Pictures.

On Instagram, Peg was met with hate comments, and Filip then went out and urged his followers not to be rude to Peg.

“Now that’s enough, I love my girlfriend and I ask you that if you don’t have something nice to write, keep it to yourself,” Filip wrote on Instagram in April 2021.

Filip and Peg were a couple for several years, but after he met Linn in Let’s Dance, the relationship ended. Image source: Stella Pictures.

Peg took the rumors incredibly hard and was forced to go to therapy. In her podcast, Peg also aimed a boot at the Let’s Dance production and TV4, which she believed were running with her at her expense.

– Even the production, on air and in the script, they joke about me. Or more that they joke about Filip and Linn as “will they, won’t they?” Or “is that actually true?”. I understand in a way, logically I understand that it’s good for their numbers, it’s good that they get pr. But my heart doesn’t understand, Peg said on the Pillowtalk podcast.

Filip and Linn won Let’s Dance in May 2021, and only a month later it was clear that Peg and Filip had broken up. Peg later told that Filip dumped her – via text…

Peg was together with the music producer for a while Jesper Niklassonbut in April 2023 she announced that they had broken up and that she would stop dating young guys as she felt that the biological clock had started ticking. All said and done – a few months after breaking up with Jesper, it was revealed in September 2023 that Peg and Sebastian de la Vega are a couple.

Sebastian de la Vega and Peg Parnevik. Image source: Pontus Lundahl/TT Bild

Some others who also announced that they had gotten together were Filip Lamprehct and Linn Hegdahl. In January 2024, Filip wrote that he and Linn “celebrate 1 year today”.

– They are made for each other. So fun for you. I mean – none of my business, Peg added sourly Happened about Filip and Linn’s relationship.

When asked if she has any contact with Filip today, Peg answered directly:

– Absolutely not! But fun for him. Glad they’ve been together so long, Peg said, laughing.

Peg Parnevik about Kristin Kaspersen

Over the years, Peg has used music to express herself, and anyone who has read her lyrics has probably been able to guess sour fits for both Filip and his mother Kristin Kaspersen.

Kristin Kaspersen. Image source: Claudio Bresciani/TT Bild

In the song The End, Peg sings a couple of well-chosen lines aimed at what we assume are both Filip and his mother – who Peg also followed on Instagram around 2021.

“These many years for it to not mean anything
It’s so fucking sad to me How could your mom say that she’s happy?
Told the whole town I’m crazy
When you’re the one who betrayed me
Man, it’s all so bittersweet I thought you were family
But hey, if I’m crazy it’s because you all made me.”

In Swedish, Peg’s sharp lines become: “How could your mother say she’s happy? Told the whole town I’m crazy? When it was you who betrayed me”.

Both Kristin Kaspersen and Filip Kaspersen Lamprecht got a kick out of Peg in the song The End. Image source: Stella Pictures. Kristin Kaspersen’s words about Linn Hegdahl

When Linn turned 29 on September 22, she was wooed with a celebration where both friends and of course Filip were there – and then mother-in-law Kristin Kaspersen.

“29 years today and I’ve been celebrated in abundance over the weekend!!! I’m so incredibly grateful for my family and friends, both those who live near and those who live a bit away. It’s such a luxury that I get to live my life with you around me! And it makes me a little extra happy to think about a day like this! Love you all so much!”, she wrote on Instagram, showing a series of photos from the festivities.

Kristin also chose to celebrate her daughter-in-law’s birthday with a post of her own on Instagram – something she never did about Peg during the time that Filip and Peg were a couple.

Kristin and Linn already learned about each other in 2019 through Let’s Dance – during the time that Filip was together with Peg…

“Today is her birthday, prettiest, funniest, kindest @linnhegdal. So grateful you stepped into my life in 2019 and that today you are part of my family. Big congratulations! love you,” Kristin wrote to a picture of herself and Lynn.
