Prime Minister Keir Starmer says he wants to rebuild the country for the long term

Prime Minister Keir Starmer says he wants to rebuild the

The annual conference of the British Labour Party officially ends on September 25, but the highlight of the event was held on Tuesday, September 24, with the speech of the party leader, Keir Starmer. A speech all the more important since for the first time in fifteen years, the leader of the Labour Party is also the Prime Minister.

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The Labour Prime Minister Keir Starmeralready under pressure after less than three months in power, affirmed this Tuesday at his party congress his determination to ” rebuild the United Kingdom ” after 14 years of conservative rule, but he warned that it would be a ” long term project “.

In a country that is trying to emerge from two years of crisis With the cost of living soaring and public services on their knees, the Labour leader was being called upon by many within his party to inject some optimism, after spending his first weeks in power painting a very bleak picture of the Tories’ record.

A difficult situation as a legacy

Racist riotsdifficult economic situation, Keir Starmer’s first months at 10 Downing Street have proven complicated, recalls our correspondent in London, Emeline Vin. So the Prime Minister wants to remind his supporters of the interest of a Labour Party in power. Change has begun: we have lifted the ban on onshore wind turbines, launched Great British Energy, a border security unit, prepared a bill to protect tenants’ rights “.

Keir Starmer promises change and big efforts to come. He says: hear “The concerns of some British people about immigration.” But if we want to fight illegal immigration effectively, we cannot act as if there were a miracle solution that would allow us to send back illegal immigrants without allowing some of these immigrants to obtain asylum. “.

A tackle on the previous Conservative government, which the Prime Minister does not forget to cite. Don’t forget what they did. They are responsible for the state of our country. Why are we being forced to release prisoners early? Why are our public services on their knees? Why is crime going unpunished, our rivers polluted, our public finances drained? Because for 14 years the Conservatives have adopted the policy of the easy way out. “.

Hope and painful measures

Keir Starmer has set himself a goal for his term in office: to restore British confidence in politics. Responding to criticism of some of his government’s early measures, including the scrapping of an energy voucher for pensioners, he said he had a ” duty “to take” the necessary decisions ” for the country.

The upcoming budget, which will be presented on October 30, will be a crucial step, even though Keir Starmer has already warned for weeks that it would be ” painful “According to a YouGov poll published on September 24, among the British who placed their hopes in the new government, 23% say they are disappointed. But Keir Starmer seems to have rather convinced the activists present in Liverpool.

Also readUK: In Liverpool, Labour promises to straighten out the country despite difficulties
