In Brief: Tillsonburg council approves zoning change for subdivision

Approvals granted for North Street subdivision

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Tillsonburg council has granted two separate approvals for the Lindprop subdivision on North Street East.

The first, which staff initially recommended deferring, was for a zone change to allow medium-density in the previously-approved plan of subdivision. The deferral was recommended due to problems with basements flooding of existing residences in the area.

Mayor Deb Gilvesy said she heard from residents on North Street about basements and backyards flooding, and she wanted to ensure there wouldn’t be a problem.

After council was told the storm water management problems will be dealt with as the subdivision continues to be built, the change was approved. A second application for an extension of the original draft plan of subdivision, which was set to expire in November 2024, was passed, thereby extending it to 2026.

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Big Brothers/Big Sister month recognition

Following a presentation by Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Oxford County, Coun. Kelly Spencer questioned the town policy for recognition of the month. She understood the town had a policy on this, and when she found there wasn’t put forward a motion to that effect. Council passed a motion that staff be directed to share on social media about Big Brothers/Big Sister month and that the clock tower be turned teal for September to recognize it.

Council calls for better cellular coverage

Following concerns initially raised by the Economic Development Advisory Committee last August, a series of letters and e-mails about poor cellular phone reception didn’t resolve in any positive action. The issue came back to council on Sept. 6 with suggestion of a motion being passed calling on the federal government to address the numerous dead spots in the town.

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“We have a lot of spots in our community of Tillsonburg where business leaders and general people can’t speak on a cell phone,” said Coun. Bob Parsons.

He shared one instance where a neighbor tried to call 9-1-1 and couldn’t connect. This person ended up having to use someone else’s phone and the time delay was a factor in the death of the person involved, he said.

“It’s just too important,” Parsons said. “So many people today don’t have landlines. A lot of people have cell phones and it’s the tool of choice.”

Budget dates

Town council set two dates to discuss the 2025 budget. The dates are Monday, Nov. 19, 9 am – 3 pm and Monday, Dec. 2, 5-9 pm

Town taking over VIBE program

The Town of Tillsonburg will be taken over the VIBE Youth Space.

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Initially, the town was a partner with Communities Building Youth Futures – Oxford County to create a youth space in Tillsonburg. The library provided the space and the town’s recreation department provided programming. Communities Building Youth Futures covered all start-up costs.

Council passed a resolution to continue the VIBE Youth Space at no cost for participants and program costs be included in the budget.

Town to look at renovictions policy

Mayor Deb Gilvesy presented a notice of motion that a report be prepared to look at “bad faith renovictions” This was based on the City of Hamilton passing such a policy earlier in the year and other municipalities following suit.

Enhancing planning notifications

On motion, from Coun. Bob Parsons, was passed by council for town staff to work with their county counterparts to enhance planning notifications to residents. The motion directed a report to be completed and brought back to council.

Jeff Helsdon is a Local Journalism Initiative Reporter based at the Woodstock Ingersoll Echo. The initiative is funded by the Government of Canada

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