50 children killed in Israeli attacks on Lebanon – tens of thousands fled their homes | News in brief

50 children killed in Israeli attacks on Lebanon tens

Israel’s airstrikes on Lebanon on Monday have killed hundreds of people and driven thousands from their homes.

Israel’s massive airstrikes on Lebanon on Monday have claimed the lives of 558 people so far, the Lebanese Ministry of Health said on Tuesday.

Among the dead are 50 children and 94 women. Deputy Representative of Unicef ​​in Lebanon Ettie Higgins calling Monday “Lebanon’s worst day in 18 years” and saying continued violence would mean “total disaster for children in the region.”

There are 1,835 wounded, and according to the WHO, Lebanese hospitals will not be able to treat all those who need help as they run out of space.

According to the UN refugee agency UNHCR, tens of thousands of Lebanese have left their homes because of the attacks. Most of the attacks are aimed at southern Lebanon. Israel has continued attacks throughout Tuesday, with the extremist organization Hezbollah firing rockets back at Israel.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk demands all parties to the conflict and their allies to stop the violence.

– (Türk) demands all states and actors exercising power in the region and outside it to prevent escalations and do everything to ensure compliance with international law, Türk informs.

Source: Reuters, AP, AFP
