Fjällstugor is appealed by the Sami village – now becomes a question for the government

This summer it was clear that the Swedish Tourist Association, STF, can continue to operate at Rogenstugan and Skedbrostugan in Härjedalsfjällen.

The previous agreement expired in April, but in July a new lease agreement was finalized despite the Sami village of Ruvhten Sijte objecting to the operation.

The Sami village believes that there is already a shortage of bait in the area and that tourists will make the reindeer leave and move to private lands where they are not allowed to be.

However, the County Administrative Board believes that the operation can continue as the number of visitors is limited.

Now Ruvhten Sijte has appealed the permit and the whole thing will now be a case for the government, reports P4 Jamtland.
