Yannick Jadot’s program for 2022: pensions, nuclear, ecology… The complete summary

pensions nuclear immigration The summary

JADOT PROGRAM. For the presidential election of 2022, Yannick Jadot is basing his project on phasing out nuclear power and numerous ecological measures. He also develops his ideas on pensions, education, but also on immigration. We explain to you the other proposals of the candidate.

Yannick Jadot is for the first time a candidate for the presidential election with a program of 120 measures, mainly based on ecology and nuclear power but also on immigration, education or pensions. A complete program is available on its website. Yannick Jadot thought long and hard before running for this presidential election. After lining up behind the PS of Benoît Hamon in the presidential election of 2017 in a plan to unite the left which did not work very well (the PS having obtained only 6.36%), he decided to launch out alone in this race for the election.

Invested in the environmental primary of September 2021 during which he played a tight match against Sandrine Rousseau (as a reminder, the final score was 51.03% against 48.97%), he launched into the campaign with an ecological political project that many analysts have described as consensual and moderate, unlike Sandrine Rousseau’s project, which is more eco-feminist and radical. Brushing several times over 10% of voting intentions in the polls, he fell back to around 5 to 7% at the end of the campaign, moving further and further away from Jean-Luc Mélenchon, whom he regularly criticized. The challenge for the MEP is now to exceed the bar of 5% of votes to avoid the risk of having to repay (almost) alone his campaign expenses. The results, which fall at 8 p.m. tonight, will reveal his score.

This Sunday evening at 8 p.m., we will have the results of the candidates detailed city by city. Our teams are mobilizing to give you the results of the votes in your cities, even in small towns. You will therefore know the score that the EELV candidate obtained in the different French geographical areas. We will also reveal the abstention rate in France, which, according to estimates, is likely to be even higher than in the last election (as a reminder, it was 22.23% in the first round and 25.44 % in the second round of the 2017 presidential election), as well as the participation rate, which is likely to be down compared to 2017 (as a reminder, it was 77.77% in the first round and 74.56% in the second round of the 2017 presidential election).

The MEP wants a “responsible” exit from the nuclear and targets 100% renewable electricity through wind power. He advocates the closure of nuclear power plants “as they become obsolete” by not building new plants and stopping ten nuclear reactors “by 2035”. Yannick Jadot wants to bet on renewable energies with the deployment of 3,000 additional onshore wind turbines and the installation of 340 km² of solar panels by 2027.

Yannick Jadot proposes to maintain the legal retirement age retirement at age 62 while putting “difficulty at the heart of pension schemes” and “on the contrary, allowing all those who have worked in arduous jobs to retire earlier, by restoring and strengthening the arduousness account” . Another point of his project, he wants no elderly person to live below the poverty line, ie 1113 €.

For the environmentalist candidate, “theimmigration is not a problem”. He wishes to regularize people settled in France who can prove that they have a job, a family life or children in school, but also, to make the procedures from the countries more transparent and accessible. of origin, and offer the right to work as soon as the asylum application is filed.Once elected, Yannick Jadot would establish “a great Ministry of Solidarity” and would ask the police and justice to be less repressive to the against immigrants Yannick Jadot also wants to put an end to bone tests and wants to create “humanitarian residence permits”.

The environmentalist candidate is betting part of his program on education with two major measures in particular. First, he wants to recruit 65,000 school teachers and 8,000 to 10,000 university teachers and raise their salaries, in order to achieve a 20% increase over the five-year term. Also, during a debate organized by students from the University of Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne, on January 24, 2022, he announced that he wanted to “reinvest in higher education” by guaranteeing access to higher education at all the students.

Concerning I’ecology, Yannick Jadot also wants to renovate the 5 million dwellings known as “thermal sieves” within 10 years. It provides for a zero-charge remainder on thermal renovation for low-income households and wants to invest 10 billion euros per year in the renovation of buildings and public services. Companies and administrations will also have the obligation to achieve a reduction in their final energy consumption of 50% by 2030. Also the environmental candidate wishes to end the sale of new vehicles with a fossil fuel of by 2030 and converting the heat engines on the market, this is one of the levers which, according to him, would make it possible to achieve the objective of carbon neutrality that France has set for itself by 2050 and of reducing at least 55% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 at European level.

  • The candidate proposes the increase of the minimum wage by 10% “to move towards the end of the five-year term at 1,500 euros”, even if this measure will depend on “levels of inflation”. Yannick Jadot also wants to create a citizen income of 900 euros which would be paid automatically from the age of 18, which can be combined with housing allowances and the activity bonus.
  • Another measure aimed at increasing the purchasing power of the French people: the reinstatement of a solidarity tax on wealth (ISF), abolished in 2017 by Emmanuel Macron and replaced by the property wealth tax. The environmental candidate provides for an ISF affecting assets over 2 million euros, with a broader base integrating professional assets and taking into account the carbon footprint. His political adviser, Eva Sas, even adds: “There will be a bonus/penalty system on assets, initially on real estate (depending on the energy performance of the dwelling), then in a second time (at the after a year), on the carbon footprint of financial investments, the time to set up a climate label.
  • In terms of the security, Yannick Jadot has several flagship measures. The first would consist in the creation of an environmental police force and an environment pole in the courts. Wishing to protect living things and biodiversity, he proposes to strengthen “protected natural areas, their financing and their governance, to reach 40% of protected areas on French land territory by 2030”. In addition, in these same courts, the candidate wishes to recruit 8,000 agents and 3,000 magistrates by promising to invest 1 billion euros in justice in five years.
  • Also, the environmental candidate wants a general review of sentences, in particular by “re-examining short-term prison sentences with regard to the provisions of community service and alternative sentences”. He also proposes to “redesign the judicial map”, to create “a free public service for mediation and conciliation, with professionals specifically trained for everyday disputes” and to “generalize group action”.
  • The elected environmentalist wishes to change the law to “allow people who wish to have a end of life chosen and appeased” by legalizing “assisted suicide” and “ensuring the development and respect of advance directives”. make them homes where families are welcomed.
  • For parents, Yannick Jadot suggests setting up a parental leave 16 weeks for each parent, 8 of which would be compulsory. Maternity leave would be supplemented by childcare leave, shared between each parent, and parental leave would be compensated at 80% of the minimum wage over a maximum of three years. The parent could decide to take it until the majority of his child. Finally, from the first child, family allowances would be set at 70 euros per month and per child.
  • Finally, on the front of the healthYannick Jadot would like to create 100,000 nursing positions and increase the salary of nursing staff by 10%.

The complete Jadot program in PDF

If you want to have more details and see all the measures proposed by the candidate Yannick Jadot, it’s online, on his campaign site. Find his program here.
