Aleksi Ojala ended his career with tears in his eyes and with the second time of his career: “It’s not fun anymore” | Sports in a nutshell

Aleksi Ojala ended his career with tears in his eyes

Aleksi Ojala of Urjala Urheilijode ended his competitive walking career with the 35 km Finnish championship in Pori.

Aleksi Ojala walked the second best time of his career, 2:30:28, at the Pori Championship with 35 kilometers.

The Finnish Sports Federation says in its press release that Ojala came to the finish line in Pori’s Eteläranta with tears in her eyes, encouraged by a large group of friends.

– It was a pretty incredible feeling to finish on the main road, Ojala sighed.

Ojala was received at the finish line along with other walkers by Ojala’s coach Veli-Matti Rantafirst career coach Kauko Karraparents, grandparents and godfather.

Ojala caused tension in Pori after receiving two red cards early on. The third would have known a three and a half minute time penalty.

– I have been in this situation quite often, even in value competitions. In Oregon, I finished the same way. Just keep a cool head and move on.

– Based on the training, I knew that the condition was good. One could only trust in one’s own doing.

It was worse in the Sweden match. The last national team representation of his career ended in rejection.

Ojala’s career ended because walking has moved from 50 kilometers to shorter distances. Decision makers no longer value long distances.

Ojala competed ten times in adult competitions. The best ranking was 13th at 35 kilometers in Oregon 2022 with a Finnish record of 2.28.22.

Even though Ojala’s pace was good on Saturday and 35 kilometers is on the program of the World Championships in Tokyo next year, Ojala is not about to lose his mind.

– I don’t care anymore. The walks have been walked, Ojala assured.

Espoo’s Tapioen Joni Hava was, along with Ojala, the only competitor who participated in the 35 kilometers. He missed the race when the judges gave three warnings and Hava had to suffer a time penalty.

– The race started very well, but there were two remarks from the judges at the very beginning. It brought fear of what would come of this. After I was on the ice for 3.5 minutes, I went completely in a cast, my legs were completely frozen, Hava repeated.

Women’s 20 kilometers in Espoo’s Tapioen Enni Nurmi walked away as champion for the second time in his career. After a good start, the end of the race was painful and Nurmi’s time was 1:40:27.

– The beginning went really well and I had confidence in myself, but then it started to sting really badly, Nurmi regretted the problem, which took the conditions away from a decent time.

Lappeenranta’s Urheilu-Miesten came second in the women’s competition Elisa Neuvonen at 1:41:30 a.m. Laitlan to Jyske Venla Laiho was third in 1:44.44.
