Some parents sometimes use their imagination to justify their child’s absence on a school day…
After years of career and even after just a few months, all school teachers and supervisors generally have at least one anecdote to tell about their daily work. Some remember a squabble between students, a crazy question asked by a young schoolboy, a parents’ meeting that turned into a settling of scores, or a stupid remark from a colleague. And then there are those who memorize the absence notes written by certain families to justify why their child did not come to class.
In reality, teachers often find themselves faced with absence notes written hastily by parents or, sometimes, by the students themselves. These little notes, supposed to explain the absence, sometimes reveal comical situations, clumsy excuses or improbable justifications. Between the sincere reasons and those that elicit an amused smile, teachers and school life try as best they can to decipher these messages with indulgence. This was the case on many occasions for this former middle school supervisor, alias @baloulefouwho shares his anecdotes and his experience on the social network Tiktok.
In one of his videos, he compiled the best absence messages he’s had to deal with a few weeks after a school year. Most of them are epic, starting with this one: “Baptiste didn’t wake up after a night on Fortnite, stick him if you want (6th A student)”.
Reading the following motif, one may wonder who, the student or the cat, did not want to go to school: “Sarah had her tongue bitten by her cat Tigger and could no longer speak (5th C student).” Finally, for some schoolchildren, a calendar would not be amiss in their room: “Célia missed the start of term by five days because she completely forgot about it (4th grade B student).”