Beware, scammers have developed a new, particularly sophisticated technique to steal bank cards that are still valid. Don’t fall for it!

Beware scammers have developed a new particularly sophisticated technique to

Beware, scammers have developed a new, particularly sophisticated technique to steal bank cards that are still valid. Don’t fall for it!

Cybercriminals often impersonate trusted organizations to steal their victims’ personal and banking data. The year 2024 will have been marked by an explosion in banking scams, notably thanks to spoofing, a technique that allows scammers to falsify their identity by appearing on your phone as a legitimate organization, which makes the scam all the more credible and more difficult to spot. In particular, they usually pretend to be your bank advisor.

But sometimes, scammers come up with even more elaborate plans that are really hard to detect. This is the case with the cut bank card scam, which you should be particularly wary of. The Ariège prefect recently posted a prevention message on social media due to a resurgence of this fraud in this department.

The scheme begins with a simple phone call. You receive a phone call from someone claiming to be your bank advisor. This person claims to have detected suspicious activity on your account and informs you that you are the victim of an attempted fraud. The tone is reassuring and professional, creating a sense of urgency and security. The scammer then asks you to act quickly to avoid losing any money and invites you to take a surprising step: cutting your bank card in two.

© andreypopov

The purpose of this manipulation is supposedly to make the card unusable for fraudsters. But this is where the heart of the scam lies. Once you have cut your card, a fake courier shows up at your home to collect it, claiming that the bank has to issue a new one. Of course, this is completely false and you are very likely to end up with various withdrawals and purchases made on your account!

Because, against all expectations, a card cut into several parts can still be used. Of course, it can no longer be inserted into a withdrawal terminal, but the chip can still be used for contactless payments, hidden from view in a case. In addition, its number (the series of numbers), its expiry date and its cryptogram always remain visible and usable for online payments.

Also, never give your card to a stranger, even if it is cut in two! A bank will never ask you to return your old card, even if it has expired. Above all, do not respond to any request that you did not initiate. So be vigilant and take a step back before doing anything. Better to be too careful than not careful enough!
