From October 1st, beneficiaries of this bonus will save time (and money)

From October 1st beneficiaries of this bonus will save time

Many French people do not claim the aid to which they are entitled. To overcome this rate of non-recourse, the CAF is experimenting with a new, much more practical approach in five departments of France.

In France, many French people are eligible for state aid, but many also do not claim it. Although they are entitled to it, they do not apply for it, sometimes due to lack of information or simply because they think they do not meet all the conditions to receive these benefits. Faced with this significant non-recourse, family allowance funds are trying to facilitate access to social benefits for people who are eligible.

Thus, from October 1st to March 1st, 2025, five French departments will be able to test a new approach that will reduce these cases of non-recourse. Indeed, the CAF will set up the automatic pre-filling of quarterly declarations for beneficiaries of the activity bonus, in the Alpes-Maritimes, Aube, Hérault, Pyrénées-Atlantiques and Vendée. A time saving for the beneficiaries concerned and a money saving for those who are eligible, but who had not previously made any application.

This five-month test phase may be extended by an additional seven months in order to assess all the benefits of the system and determine whether a generalisation could be effective across the entire territory. It should be remembered that the activity bonus aims to support workers over 18 years of age, with modest incomes (with a monthly ceiling of 1,787 euros). The amount of the activity bonus is 595.25 euros per month and depends on several factors such as the number of dependent children or household income.
