Polar bear shot – believed to have floated to Iceland

Polar bear shot believed to have floated to Iceland


  • Polar bear shot – believed to have floated to Iceland

    The shot polar bear Photo: Ingvar Jakobsson/AP

    A polar bear that probably drifted ashore from Greenland on an iceberg has been shot dead by Icelandic police, Icelandic Rúv reports.

    It was Thursday that a homeowner alerted the police that a polar bear was on the person’s property on the Westfjords peninsula in northwestern Iceland.

    The police went out by helicopter and they saw the polar bear on a beach. A decision was made to euthanize the animal in consultation with the environmental authority.

    According to Rúv, there have been quite a few icebergs off the coast of the Westfjords in recent weeks, and it is possible that the polar bear traveled on one of these all the way from Greenland.

    Police say they had no choice but to euthanize the bear.

    The coast guard has transported the polar bear to Reykjavik where it will be further examined by the Institute of Natural History.


  • Knifeman hunted – robbed young woman in park

    Shortly after 9 p.m., the police were called to Stadsparken in Borås.

    There, a man had approached three 18-year-old friends.

    – This man comes forward and allegedly molested one of the women. When they tell him to stop, he has become threatening and pulled out a knife or at least a knife-like object, says police spokesperson Jens Andersson.

    The man forced the woman’s cell phone and fled the scene on foot.

    – We are working there with dogs and patrols and looking for the man and talking to witnesses.

  • Serious workplace accident at Forsmark

    An accident occurred at Forsmark’s nuclear power plant on Friday morning, writes Gefle Daily.

    One person was seriously injured in connection with welding work.

    – It is such a serious accident that we called the emergency services, and the person was taken to hospital by ambulance helicopter, says Anna Ek, deputy press manager at Forsmark, to the newspaper.

    They have convened a crisis support group for the staff and launched an internal investigation into the accident.

    The police found out about the incident during the afternoon, and would go out to the nuclear power plant during the evening.

  • Man stabbed – four masked men are being chased

    At 19.42 the police were alerted to Gårda in Gothenburg.

    A man in his 20s was found there with cuts on his arms. The man was taken to hospital by ambulance. His injuries should not be life-threatening.

    According to the police, there were four masked perpetrators who fled in a car after the incident.

    The signal element on the car has been alerted to the patrols who are working.

    Just before 10 p.m., no one was arrested.

    – However, we have confiscated the plaintiff’s car, because it could be the scene of the crime, says police spokesperson Jens Andersson.

  • Man killed in traffic accident

    A man in his 50s has died after a car accident outside Edsbyn.

    The accident happened at 3.30 pm on Friday. The man was taken by ambulance to hospital but his life could not be saved.

    Relatives have been notified.

  • Suspected attempted murder in Dals-Ed

    Several police patrols were alerted today to an address in Dals-Ed where an injured man was found.

    He was taken to hospital by ambulance, condition of injuries unclear.

    A woman was also in the home.

    She was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. That’s what the police in the west region write.

    The police are currently conducting witness interviews and other initial investigative measures at the scene.

    The residence is cordoned off for a technical examination.

  • Amortization requirements may be reduced

    Amortization requirements on mortgages may be lowered. That’s what SvD writes.

    John Hassler, professor of macroeconomics at Stockholm University, has a government assignment to submit a proposal in just over a month.

    He believes that there will be slightly easier rules.

    – I will come at the beginning of November with a proposal for relief.

  • Secret service admits mistakes

    Photo: AP

    The US Secret Service admits major mistakes in the security work in the shooting of ex-president Donald Trump on July 13, US media reports.

    Among other things, problems with internal communication are raised in connection with the campaign meeting in Pennsylvania.

    The report also addresses shortcomings in both local and federal law enforcement and highlights a series of missed opportunities to stop the gunman who shot from a roof, TT reports.

    “It is important that we hold ourselves accountable for the failure on July 13th and learn lessons to ensure that we do not fail in this way again,” said Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe, according to USA Today.

    Individuals within the Secret Service will be punished, according to him.

  • M demands debate after the lottery scandal

    Financial Markets Minister Niklas Wykman (M) has demanded an external investigation into the Social Democrats’ lottery operations. Archive image. Photo: Lars Schröder/TT

    After the lottery scandal within the Social Democrats, the Moderates have demanded a special Riksdag debate on trust-damaging party funding.

    The debate will take place on October 1 and Financial Markets Minister Niklas Wykman (M) is one of the participants, the Moderates announced in a press release.

    On Wednesday, Wykman came with demands for an external review of the Social Democrats’ lottery operations.

    – Now Magdalena Andersson must appoint an independent review that everyone can take part in, he said.

    Last week, the S-lottery scandal unfolded after Dagens Nyheter revealed that Kombispel, the Social Democrats’ lottery group, used aggressive telephone sales and exploited the elderly.

  • Beer image of Birgitta Ed removed

    The post has now been removed from Ulf Kristersson’s Instagram. Photo: Instagram

    Last week, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson posted a picture of his wife Birgitta Ed on Instagram.

    In the picture, she was wearing her daisies with beer bottles of various kinds in front of her on a table. The picture was published together with a text about the government’s policy regarding farm sales of alcohol.

    The picture has caused reactions – and now it has been removed, reports Echo.

    “The picture was taken in a completely different context and was used there without my knowledge”, writes Birgitta Ed in a comment to Ekot.

    “It is a bad picture and I have also removed it from its original context,” she continues.

  • Woman seriously injured – hit on sidewalk

    A 45-year-old woman was hit on a sidewalk in Danderyd on Friday.

    It was around 12:30 a.m. that a driver drove out of a lot and then hit the woman.

    She was seriously injured and was taken to hospital by ambulance.

    The car driver, a woman in her 80s, has not yet been heard about the incident.

    – But there are witnesses to the accident and also some evidence that corroborates the witnesses’ stories. We have a relatively good picture of how the accident happened, says police spokesperson Daniel Wikdahl.

    The car has been impounded. The police have started a preliminary investigation into gross negligence in traffic and gross causing bodily harm.

  • Crash on the E4 – major traffic impact

    A car and a truck collided on the E4 near Bredäng in southern Stockholm at 5:15 p.m.

    – There are three people involved, we have no information about any serious injuries, but two lanes are closed, says Daniel Lundin, officer on duty at the rescue service.

    The accident has occurred in the southbound direction.

    – There is quite a large traffic impact. We will take care of these people in the best way possible, but then we will open the road again.

    The Swedish Transport Administration expects a very large traffic impact until 6 p.m.

  • Body found in workshop after major fire

    On Monday, they started burning heavily in a workshop in Kungsängen outside Stockholm.

    The house burned down, and only on Wednesday forensics could enter the burned-out building.

    The remains of a body were found there, the police confirm In the middle of.

    – Now the investigation must show the circumstances. But there are tasks to work with of course, says Magnus Nilsson, municipal police in Upplands-Bro.

    At the moment, the incident is being investigated as public negligence, but that may change.

  • SSU on the lottery scandal: “Terrible”

    SSU president Lisa Nåbo is now speaking out after the revelations about the Social Democrats’ and the youth association’s lottery operations.

    – This is terrible. No one should be tricked into buying lottery tickets and certainly not in our name, she says in an interview with Expressen.

    She describes the recent period as “painful” and “sad”.

    Furthermore, she says that she and SSU stand behind the Social Democrats’ executive committee’s decision that Kombilotteriet’s mv and board should resign, and that all use of telemarketing companies should cease.

  • KD apologizes to SD after the outburst in SVT

    In an interview in SVT’s “30 minutes” Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed (KD) strongly distanced himself from the images that Richard Jomshof (SD) shared on social media.

    – They are deeply prejudiced and deplorable, Forssmed said, among other things, and said that SD must do better at acting against Islamophobia.

    The words have caused anger within SD, where they think Forssmed is crossing the line, sources say The Express.

    They believe that he violated the Tidöpartierna’s clause, which stipulates that the parties must speak respectfully of each other’s central representatives.

    According to Expressen’s sources, people within KD themselves should have contacted SD to apologize for the interview, and regretted the words of the Minister of Social Affairs.

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