Accountants: regularization of warehouse stocks

USA wholesale inventories rising more than expected in February

(Finance) – “The regularization of warehouse stocks” is the title of the research paper produced by Council and the National Foundation for Research of Accountants, curated by the study commission “Direct taxes” of the CNDCEC within the area of ​​delegation “Taxation” entrusted to Treasurer Councillor Salvatore Regalbuto.

The text takes its cue from the 2024 budget law (law 30 December 2023, n. 213) which, with paragraphs 78 to 85 of article 1, has provided for the possibility for business owners to proceed with the regularization of initial warehouse stocks relating to the tax period in progress on 30 September 2023.

Regularization is achieved adjusting the value of the initial existences to the actual one and provides for the payment of a substitute tax for income taxes (Irpef and Ires) and the regional tax on productive activities (Irap), to which must be added the value added tax (VAT) only in the case of a reduction in inventory.

The work illustrates the subjective and objective scope of the disciplinethe regularization methods, the taxes due and the related payment methods, the effects of the adjustment, as well as the How to fill out your tax return in which the data relating to the regularization itself must be indicated and concludes with the examination of the accounting profiles of the operation.

(Photo: Photo by Adrian Sulyok on Unsplash)
