In the News: more resources for justice!

In the News more resources for justice

Magistrates and clerks are calling for a strike this Wednesday and to gather throughout France alongside lawyers. This mobilization promises to be massively followed. Because the problem is deep and does not date from yesterday. This is what underlines The cross : ” overwhelmed courts, exhausted magistrates, exhausted litigants. Like other public services, the justice system has been undergoing a deep crisis for several years. On the surface, it may seem paradoxical to see judges, prosecutors and clerks mobilize the day the National Assembly adopts a finance law which provides for an unprecedented increase in the justice budget (+ 9%). But if the question of means is at the heart of the demands, everyone can see that money is only part of the problem. The pressure weighing on the judicial system is a reflection of the tensions that run through French society. In an appeal drafted last month – and since signed by 60% of them – the magistrates denounce a justice ‘which times everything’: fifteen minutes to judge a divorce, fifty cases processed in one day without agreeing to the slightest pause.

Grand Corps Malade

The Latest News from Alsace engage: ” French justice is a big sick body… and with it, it is the whole of society, of which it is both an emanation and an instrument, which is suffering. (…) Twenty years at the very least that the institution has been mistreated and sometimes even attacked for financial reasons, but also political, which oblige to cut corners and exhaust the men and women in the service of this great and beautiful republican ideal which is justice for all. (…) This + collective desperation +, to use the words of Chantal Arens, the president of the Superior Council of the Magistracy, is at its peak. As in the police, point The Latest News from Alsace, the hospital and in so many other areas, the culture of numbers has taken precedence in the courtrooms over that of humans, and it is no longer tolerable or bearable. France is a great country of justice with a strong ideal. It cannot continue to be sacrificed on the altar of performance and productivity.

The more time to plead, the more time to treat …

Justice flows and we look elsewhere, sigh The Charente Libre. Health is crumbling and we are looking a little less elsewhere, pandemic obliges. These collapsed pillars are not the consequence of the Covid or of a five-year term, they are the result of assumed political choices, deployed over the years. Left or right, the goal was the same: ra-tio-na-li-ser. ” And ” beyond the lack of means, continues the Charentais daily, it is the loss of meaning, of recognition, vocations that have become burdens that mark bodies and minds. We took away from them the thing that matters most to these trades in the service of others. We took away their time. Time to heal, time to plead. We have compressed the time to judge, the time to reassure. ” And “ when a country sacrifices the time it owes to the weakened marked by the tragedies of life, we should not be surprised then to see France fall into the rough nets which wait to recover it.

New charges against PPDA

To read in Release, these new testimonies of women against PPDA, the former star presenter. “ Accumulation “, title Liberation which publishes three new testimonies of women who “report in turn sexual violence committed by the journalist. They are in addition to the 23 already heard by the police.

Journal comment: ” no, it is not relentlessness. The first published testimonies led to others. “ Reading and hearing them, it is confirmed that these acts were set up as a system. PPDA did the same every time, taking advantage of its star aura to seduce socially inferior young women, force them into sex without them having the time or the capacity to react and throw them away as a soiled tissue.

Macron on TV to counter Pécresse …

Finally, Emmanuel Macron on TV tonight … Two hours of broadcast during which the president will defend his record, while his candidacy for his own succession is an open secret …

In fact, advance Le Figaro on the first page: ” Macron seeks the response to counter Pécresse “; indeed, for the right-wing daily, “ a new situation has settled, confirmed by several polls. The arrival of Valérie Pécresse as a dubbed representative of the right worries the president and his relatives.

