Climate Momentum launching Climate Conversation series

As someone who has been involved in the climate change conversation for 60 years, it’s hard for Sheila Clarke to say what issues connect back to that overarching conversation and what do not.

As someone who has been involved in the climate change conversation for 60 years, it’s hard for Sheila Clarke to say what issues connect back to that overarching conversation and what do not.

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The reason for that difficulty is simple – it’s all connected, she says.

“I truly do believe that every single part of this comes together in the place in which we now find ourselves,” Clarke said. “Life on the planet is like a spider web. . . . Everything on the planet is connected, and that’s why we’re having so much trouble because we don’t really understand that. We see things as very immediately where we are. . . but that’s human nature,” the member of the Stratford-based advocacy group, Climate Momentum, said.

To that end, Clark and the other members of Climate Momentum have teamed up with other local groups to organize a series of climate conversations to “engage the Stratford community in meaningful discussions about climate change and its local impacts.” Each conversation will begin with a short presentation on that week’s topic followed by an open conversation among attendees.

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The goal of these conversions is not to have an agenda, but for organizers to be directed by the discussion to find out what supports they can provide for those concerned about climate change, Clarke explained.

“There are tons of experts telling people what to do, and we know that doom and gloom don’t work. We know that a whole list of facts doesn’t work. We care about our own home – those near and dear to us, our own community, our own neighbors – so let’s talk together as a community and neighbors,” she said.

“It’s a kind of a unique experiment and an exciting one.”

The conversations will be held on the fourth Thursday of every month at the city hall auditorium starting at 7 pm The first conversion, set for Sept. 26, will feature a presentation from Sadaf Ghalib, Stratford’s climate change programs manager, who will be speaking on the city’s current and future climate change initiatives, including the recently adapted community climate action plan.

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The other organizations that worked with Climate Momentum on the conversation series include the Small Change Fund, the Rotary Club, the city’s civic beautification and environment committee, the City of Stratford, the city’s energy and environment committee, Wise Communities, the Stratford Public Library, Pazzo Co. and the Stratford Perth Community Foundation.

While it would be great to develop a community coalition on climate change, Clarke highlighted that each of the involved groups has a different area of ​​focus.

“This is an extremely diverse and talented and amazing community with many different areas of expertise,” she said.

Climate Conversations schedule

  • Oct. 24: Transportation, Mainstream and Active Motion, with speaker Mike Mousley.
  • Nov. 28: Buildings and Land Use, presented by the Institute for Catastrophic Loss.
  • Jan 23: Alternative Energy Options: Speakers yet to be determined.
  • Feb 27: Waste Not, Want Not, with speaker Emily Skelding, waste reduction co-ordinator for the city.
  • March 27: Natural Assets, with speakers from the Rotary Club.
  • April 24: Tourism, Walking the Talk of a Green City.
  • May 22: Industry and Circular Economy. This will be presented by sustainability representatives from local industries.

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