A surprising Instagram message changed the autumn plans of Heili Sirviö, 13, the entire family: “I was in shock” | Sports in a nutshell

A surprising Instagram message changed the autumn plans of Heili

Heili Sirviö changed the World Championships in Rome to the prestigious X Games invitational competition in Japan. The competition, which starts on Friday, features 11 skating peaks.

Heili Sirviö13, burst into the sports-following public’s consciousness in early August when she competed in figure skating at the Paris Olympics. Finland’s youngest ever Olympic athlete finished fifth in the park final.

Now a month and a half later, Sirviö says that there has been something to digest in the great experience.

– Lately it’s been really fun with my friends and I’ve been skating a lot. It still feels crazy that I was at the Olympics. I haven’t fully processed the whole thing, maybe it will take another couple of months to figure it out, says Sirviö.

The successful performances of Sirviö, who lived in Australia for most of his life, in the Olympic arena and the recent decision to continue representing Finland have made many skating fans express their support for the young talent.

– There has been a lot of incredible feedback and wonderful messages. It seems that the entire Finnish people have been behind Heili the whole way. It warms the heart that Heili has been able to inspire both children and adults, father Fredu Sirviö tells.

Sirviöt’s family of four traveled from Paris to Italy to prepare for the World Championships, which will take place this weekend in Rome. However, a delightful message to Heili’s Instagram account completely changed the entire family’s early autumn plans. Sirviö was invited to the prestigious X Games competition, which coincides with the World Championships.

Heili Sirviön was once again overwhelmed by a feeling of disbelief: can this even be true!

– I was completely shocked, he recalls.

Sirviö will compete this weekend at the X Games in Japan.

Fredu Sirviö says that preparing in Italian Park would not have been optimal for training for the X Games park.

– We were like, what are we going to do now? It didn’t take many days, then we were on a plane to California, says father Fredu Sirviö.

The fans spent a couple of weeks in California, from where the journey continued to Japan. In the eleven women’s top competition, Sirviö will face, among others, the Australian Olympic champion Arisa Trew’s mixed Sky Brown’s.

– I would really like a medal. It’s cool to be here in Japan competing and it’s fun that all my friends are here too. It will be a good race, says Sirviö.

According to Fredu Sirviö, Heili has gained difficulty and confidence in his tricks since the Olympic Games. The qualifying race of the X Games is scheduled for Friday.

– There are two companies in the qualifying round of the X Games, while there were three in the Olympics, so it is really important to stay upright. Heili is in an incredible mood. I’ve never seen anyone who is in a tougher mood than Heili right now. He hasn’t failed those difficult tricks at all anymore, the father beams.

Heili Sirviö has traveled a lot, but Japan is a new destination for him.

– Visiting Japan has been a dream. The food is really good, we have eaten sushi and noodles. Skating is a big deal here, says Sirviö.

After the X Games, Sirviöt will stay in Japan for another week.

– We rarely have time to look at the sights, or those sights are local skate parks. It’s nice to meet people from all over the world, build friendships and get ideas for tricks, says Fredu Sirviö.
