Person suspected of several terrorist trips – Säpo investigates

Both Säpo and the prosecutor are tight-lipped about the case, but confirm that the terror investigation is ongoing.

A person is suspected in the case and has been questioned by the security service.

– There is an ongoing preliminary investigation concerning crime linked to us. I will not be able to give any details about this preliminary investigation, but I will have to directly refer to the prosecutor, says Fredrik Hultgren-Friberg, press spokesperson at the Security Police.

According to information given to TV4 Nyheterna, the investigation concerns, among other things, at least two terrorist trips that the person is suspected of having made. Additional cases of so-called travel crime is being investigated, TV4 Nyheterna learns.

The Säpo prosecutor: Serious crime

Chief prosecutor Per Lindqvist at the National Security Unit leads the case and is very secretive, but says:

– What can be said is that within the framework of a preliminary investigation that concerns the financing of terrorism, serious crime, and traveling for terrorism, suspicions have arisen against a person. That person has requested and received a public defender.

He does not want to confirm how many trips are involved and neither which country or terrorist group is in question. But the crime, which was added to the law in 2016, is about traveling, or starting a trip, to a country to, among other things, commit or participate in terrorist crimes. Also for the purpose of, for example, being trained or giving instructions in terrorism, or otherwise having contact with a terrorist organization. The prosecutor does not want to state exactly what the person is suspected of.

The fact that terrorist financing is classified as a serious crime can mean that the act is, among other things, “of a particularly dangerous nature” or has been a danger to several human lives.

North of Stockholm

The prosecutor states that the crimes took place in “among other places Sigtuna municipality”, north of Stockholm. However, he does not want to say whether it is about Arlanda Airport, which is part of the municipality.

– The travel crime is completed when you start a trip for terrorism. Which means that it can be a journey that starts with a subway or a bus or something else with the aim of getting to a country for terrorism, says Per Lindqvist and continues:

– It is easy to think that it is an attempted crime if it is the case that you intervene in Sweden, but that is not the case. But it is completed when you basically get on the bus.

He does not want to elaborate on whether Säpo managed to stop the suspected terrorist traveler in Sweden or whether the person managed to complete the entire trip and returned.

According to the prosecutor, the person is not currently in custody, but does not want to comment on whether he has been in custody in the past.

The suspect has been appointed lawyer Robin Grönvall as public defender. He is equally taciturn.

– I confirm that I have an appointment for a person who is suspected of various types of terrorist crimes, but otherwise I have no comments whatsoever.
