the puzzle of forming the new government

the puzzle of forming the new government

We will probably have to wait several more days before discovering Michel Barnier’s government. While on the right and the centre-right, the agreements seem to be progressing well, the left wing of the presidential camp is making itself desired. The environmentalists and the left continue to reject the Prime Minister’s proposals.

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To form his government, Prime Minister Michel Barnier is struggling to recruit left-wing figures because they keep refusing his proposals. The latest is Socialist MP Philippe Brun, who Michel Barnier would have proposed the strategic ministry of the Budget. It’s no ” said the former advisor to the socialist-sovereignist Arnaud Montebourg, who himself rejected an offer from Matignon.

The same refusal was expressed by those close to the former socialist president François Hollande, such as the former Minister of Agriculture Stéphane Le Foll. The approach made to the former Green MEP Karima Delli has, it seems, also not been crowned with success.

Michel Barnier’s teams have nevertheless leaked information that one or two personalities from the left had given their agreement. We wonder who it is. ” jokes an elected NFP member who quips: ” It might be Ségolène Royal, but even if the TV show The Voice called her, she would go “.

In fact, within the parties of the New Popular Frontpoaching seems very unlikely. The leader of the communists Fabien Roussel, received this Tuesday, September 17 at Matignon, summed up the situation: ” We listen to Michel Barnier out of politeness but we have no illusions about his political line. “The leader of the PCF also puts forward the pragmatism card: out of the question to enter a government which for him will not go beyond Christmas.

Raising taxes is the easy way out »

The Macronists and right-wing politicians are also not sparing the former European Commissioner appointed by Emmanuel Macron. Especially since the revelation of comments made by Michel Barnier on tax increases. The new Prime Minister is said to have mentioned to several interlocutors an increase in levies, which his entourage denied on Tuesday, stating that it is only ” pure speculation “But these rumors make the Macronists shudder, particularly opposed to any tax increase because it would go against the line defended for seven years by Emmanuel Macron. The Republicans, of which Michel Barnier is a member, are also hostile to it.

Gabriel Attalformer Prime Minister and president of the group Together for the Republic (EPR), therefore asked his successor to clarify his “ political line, particularly on possible tax increases and on major government balances ” before being able to ensure its support to the government. ” Despite the two meetings organized and the Prime Minister’s visit to our parliamentary days, we do not yet have clear visibility “, he wrote in a message to EPR members. I inform you that we have requested from the Prime Minister, before the formation of the government, a meeting with a small delegation from our group in order to see things more clearly. “, specifies the former Prime Minister, affirming however that ” we will never be a blocking force, but always a force of solutions “.

This position is shared by the resigning Minister of the Interior, Gerald Darmaninwho assured Wednesday on France 2 that he is ” out of the question » of« enter ” in a government that raises taxes or even ” sustain “. ” Raising taxes is the easy way out “, ” I will not participate in a government that is not clear on the issue of taxes. “, he added. According to Gérald Darmanin, the hypothesis of an increase in taxes was raised several times by Michel Barnier.

Also readFrance: suspense continues for a new government, a place becomes available at the Quai d’Orsay
