Person hit at a pedestrian crossing in central Malmö

  • Person hit at a pedestrian crossing in central Malmö

    A car has run over a person at a crosswalk in an intersection in central Malmö.

    The police received the alarm about the accident at 16.25.

    – We’ve just arrived at the scene, I don’t know anything about any damage at the moment, says police spokesperson Evelina Olsson.


  • The SD top sees the Swedish EU appointment: “Could have negotiated better”

    Charlie Weimers (SD). Photo: Caisa Rasmussen/TT

    The Sweden Democrats’ top politician in the EU Parliament, Charlie Weimers, believes that Sweden’s place in the upcoming EU Commission is weak.

    According to Weimers, Sweden’s government lost its way in the negotiations with Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

    – Sweden could have negotiated better, says Charlie Weimers to Aftonbladet in the EU Parliament in Strasbourg.

    – Sweden signaled its support for Ursula von der Leyen early on and it does not seem to have resulted in one of the commission’s heavier portfolios, he says further.

    On Tuesday, it became clear that the Swedish government’s nomination to the commission, Jessika Roswall (M), will be assigned responsibility for the environment, water and a competitive circular economy in the new EU Commission.

    Charlie Weimers believes that Roswall can make important contributions to Swedish water Show more

  • The safety zone is not extended

    The safety zones in Eskilstuna will end at midnight. The police announce this on their website.

    Almost two weeks ago, the police decided on two security zones in Eskilstuna.

    However, it may be introduced again.

    “A decision on an extension can be taken at short notice if the local situation changes,” the police write on their website.

  • Explosion in Lebanon – 1,000 injured

    One of the explosions took place inside a car. Photo: Hussein Malla / AP

    1,000 people have been injured when pagers exploded in Lebanon, local media reported.

    About a dozen claim to belong to Hezbollah.

    The communications devices must have been hacked and manipulated to explode, according to Al Jazeera.

    An Iranian ambassador is also said to be among the injured.

    The Ministry of Health has asked the hospitals to be on the highest alert.

  • New case of bluetongue in Halland

    During Monday, a third case of bluetongue was discovered in Sweden. This time in Falkenberg, Halland County.

    It is the second case in Halland. The first was discovered on September 12 in Laholm.

    The third case of confirmed bluetongue infection was discovered on Friday in Uddevalla, reports the State Veterinary Medical Institute.

    Bluetongue is a viral disease that affects ruminants. The infection is spread through blood-sucking scalds

  • Over a thousand injured by exploding pagers

    An injured person whose search engine exploded is being cared for in Beirut. Photo: Hussein Malla/AP/TT

    More than 1,000 people in Lebanon, many of them members of Hezbollah, have been seriously injured after their pagers exploded in what appears to be a coordinated attack.

    One by one, hundreds of seekers exploded around Lebanon. Local media state that it is about over 1,000 pagers that exploded over the course of just over an hour after first signaling incoming calls.

    The victims are said to be primarily members of the Iran-backed Hezbollah militia, but also private individuals and medical personnel. Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon was also injured, according to a statement.

    Images from surveillance cameras in Beirut show how the devices explode in small explosions that knock over the people carrying them.

    Witnesses say that panic spread as the searchers began to explode, which according to Reuters was ongoingSee more

  • Andersson: Going to clean house

    Magdalena Andersson (S). Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT / TT News Agency

    Magdalena Andersson speaks out for the first time after the revelations about the S-lotteries.

    She says she is deeply disappointed and pissed off.

    – We took responsibility and made decisions about powerful measures. We have a new CEO and a new chairman in place. They have been given a clear mission: to clean house, she says at a press conference.

  • One is wanted in custody for murder

    Police on site in Lidingö this weekend. Photo: Aftonbladet

    A man is now wanted in custody on probable cause, suspected of the murder of another man in Lidingö last Saturday.

    The suspect and the victim were known to each other, according to police.

    Two more people are suspected in the case, but both have been released at large.

    Read more here.

  • Magdalena Andersson calls a press conference

    Magdalena Andersson calls a press conference at 3.30 pm due to the lottery scandal.

    The party leader tells TT that she is deeply disappointed.

    – I am deeply disappointed and frankly pissed off. It is in direct conflict with what social democracy is and what values ​​we are based on.

    Read more here.

  • Two-year-old children drove a car in Borås

    Police, ambulance and emergency services were called on Tuesday afternoon to an accident involving a two-year-old child and a car.

    The accident happened at the intersection of Stora Brogatan and Kungsgatan.

    The child must have traveled on a bicycle.

    – The child has been taken to hospital with, according to our information, minor injuries, says police spokesperson Fredrik Svedmyr.

    There are no suspicions of crime.

    According to P4 Seven-way was the child who couldn’t stop his bike and hit the car.

  • Instagram’s crisis move – youth accounts

    After several years of criticism, Instagram now introduces youth accounts.

    The new functions and rules will apply to users under the age of 18 – and the goal is to prevent the app from affecting young people’s sleep and well-being.

    A new feature is that users under the age of 18 will automatically switch from having public accounts to private accounts, the New York Times reports.

    In this way, the user himself will get to approve who follows and sends messages to them in the app.

    – We have decided to focus on what the parents think, because they are the ones who know what is suitable for their children, says manager Adam Mosseri.

    The hope is that in this way children will not be reached by inappropriate content or become victims of sexual harassment in the app.

    Guardians will also be able to access who and which messages the youth accounts send.

    Additionally, Instagram will turn off notifications for youth accounts between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM.

    The announcement comes after the company Meta, which owns Instagram, has been criticized for several years for not taking enough responsibility for its users who are children, the New York Times reports.

  • Find on a Danish beach: Smelly giant penis

    Here, on the beach at Bornholm’s southern tip Dueodde, a humpback whale was washed up in July. Now the whale’s penis has also landed. Photo: Christian Mueringer

    The beach cleaners on Bornholm first thought they had found a giant smelly sea snake.

    But it turned out to be something completely different: a penis from a whale.

    The coiled up puppy penis in the Snogebæk fishing village is said to be one and a half meters long. In pictures in the Danish media, the desiccated genital organ lies side by side with a measuring stick in the green grass.

    According to an expert, the find probably originates from a humpback whale that was washed up at the southern tip of the island in July, reports TV2 Bornholm.

    – This is very unusual, and means that the whale we found at Dueodde this summer was certainly a male. Otherwise, it means that several whales have died in the Baltic Sea and that is unlikely, says nature guide Kenneth Nielsen at the Natur Bornholm experience center to the channel.

  • The S management must have been warned about the sales methods – more than a year ago

    The revelation of how the Social Democrats’ lottery sales targeted elderly and confused people has shaken the party considerably.

    Now writing DNaccording to sources, that people within the party were warned about the methods of lottery sales – already over a year ago.

    Read more here.

  • Richard Jomshof now formally suspected

    Now Richard Jomshof has been formally suspected of crime and questioned.

    Aftonbladet met Jomshof when he left the police interrogation.

    – It is a new experience and I have answered the questions as best I can and given my version of what happened, he says.

    You are now formally suspected of a crime. How does it feel?

    – It is clear that it does not feel good. But I know what I think on these issues, I know where I stand. It is something I have argued and debated for as long as I have been an active politician, this is no exception.

    Read more here.

  • Boy hit in the head on bus

    A 15-year-old boy was on his way to school by bus when a man unknown to him called his attention.

    The boy was then hit in the head with a bag, the police write on their website.

    The police have been to the scene but there is currently no suspect.

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