That will be the name of the prince couple’s fourth child

That will be the name of the prince couples fourth

The year was 2008 when Prince Carl Philip first introduced to what would later become his wife. However, it took another year before he exchanged numbers with the princess Sophiathen after a wet night out at Pepe’s Bodega in Båstad.

In June 2014, the princely couple announced that they were engaged.

– We were in a place that we love very much out in the country, the prince said during a press conference, whereupon his then-new fiancee filled in:

– I am just extremely happy. This happened this morning and it’s very new to me. It feels fantastically good and I feel very satisfied.

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Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip in connection with announcing that they were engaged. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

It took almost exactly a year before the couple said yes to each other in the Palace Church in Stockholm. Among the guests was, for example, the princess Martha Louise of Norway and her then husband Ari Behnqueen Maximum of the Netherlands, the actor Rafael Edholm and the photographer Matthias Klum.

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Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip in the church. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT The wedding took place in the Castle Church. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

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The prince couple is expecting their fourth child

In April 2016, the princely couple welcomed their first child: Prince Alexander. In August of the following year, their second son, Prince, was born Gabrieland in March 2021 the third son of the children was born: Prince Julian.

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The prince couple and their three sons during Prince Julian’s baptism. Photo: Erik Simander/TT

In September 2024, it became clear that Princess Sofia and Prince Carl-Philip are expecting their fourth child.

“Princess Sofia is doing well and the birth is expected to take place in February 2025. During the autumn, no changes are expected in Princess Sofia’s official programme,” the Court wrote at the time.

Princess Sofia and Carl Philip, along with Princess Madeleine and Chris O’Neill, at the opening of Parliament just days after announcing they are expecting their fourth child. Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT

When The evening paper asked the princely couple how their children reacted to the fact that they would have another sibling, Princess Sofia replied:

– They seem happy regardless of whether it will be one or the other, I think, whereupon the prince added:

– Yes, when we told them about the news, of course they were super happy.

READ MORE: Princess Sofia is pregnant – expecting the princely couple’s fourth child

Watch Schultz: “Becoming a Princess”

One who, on the other hand, thinks he has a strong premonition about whether it is a son or daughter that the princely couple is expecting is Look Schultzwhich along with Ebba von Sydow runs the podcast “The Monarchs”.

– I have felt, since the news came, that this will be a princess. I’m absolutely sure. I’m ready to start betting on it. Large sums. I am absolutely sure of it. I have zero intuition, so I’m probably wrong. Until the baby is here, I will say that it will be a princess, said Titti, with a twinkle in his eye, in TV4’s “Nyhetsmorgon” on Sunday.

Ebba von Sydow and Titti Schultz. Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT

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Ebba von Sydow: That can be the name of the new baby

In addition to talking about whether it will be a princess or a prince, the podcast duo also discussed what the name of the new royal addition could be – and here Ebba von Sydow has some ideas:

– If I were to throw in a safe name, that will do Marie in that case, after Sofia’s mother. That it becomes a middle name. Then I would guess and hope for a classic royal name like Sibylafter the king’s mother. Ingridsuperb. Or Kristinashe says in The TV4 programme and continues:

– And if it’s a boy, I hope for one People.

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