What Laëtitia Milot fears for her daughter: “I would blame myself if it happened to me because she has a famous mother”

What Laetitia Milot fears for her daughter I would blame

The start of the school year is busy for the new host of the show Le Meilleur Pâtissier on M6, but also for her daughter Lyana, who has started CP. Exclusive interview.

Fans of the show Le Meilleur Pâtissier, broadcast from October on M6, are eagerly awaiting the new season. But after Marie Portolano, another host will be in charge of introducing the candidates. Actress Laëtitia Milot, also passionate about cooking, has indeed been chosen alongside Cyril Lignac and Mercotte. A busy start to the school year for the 44-year-old, who is also the mother of a little Lyana aged 6.

For the latter, the month of September is like a big change since she started CP for the first time.I am really proud of my daughter, I see her evolve and grow. She is starting to lose her teeth and it is true that time goes by too quickly, and whether it is in her everyday behavior, at home or at school, and even the way she evolves, it is a real pride for me“, Laëtitia Milot tells us.

But like all parents, the start of the school year is also synonymous with worry. In her book “Family Agenda: Here, Happiness is Homemade”, published in June 2024 by Larousse, she addresses the issue of bullying at school. The presenter herself was the victim of inappropriate gestures from boys during her childhood, in the playground. Today, she tries to raise awareness among young people and their parents about this taboo, while protecting her daughter.The subject already affected me without having children, and now, obviously since I have Lyana, it is one of my concerns. I am afraid of arriving at primary school, because I think it starts quite early. In any case, I have friends who tell me about harassment from CP-CE1″.

Whether it’s a bullying situation or the child is the bully himself, this subject worries her. But she does everything to communicate with her daughter.I want her to talk to me right now. I start asking her a lot of questions, but it’s a moment that I dread, and I wouldn’t want it to happen to us, and unfortunately, it can happen to anyone. Afterwards, I’ll blame myself even more if it happens to me because she has a famous mother. I try to be fully in communication with my daughter and I hope that she will tell me everything and tell me if there are things that are wrong.”she testifies.
