Here comes the first snow – already on Friday

Here comes the first snow already on Friday

Summer is over and in several places in Sweden it is meteorological autumn. This means that the daily temperature is below ten degrees, five days in a row. Right now, autumn has reached Jämtland and Dalarna, as well as the western parts of Västernorrbotten and Norrbotten County, according to SMHI.

The rest of Sweden has autumn temperatures with the exception of Skåne which still has meteorological summer.


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It will snow here

But for some parts of Sweden, autumn will be short-lived because the first snow is already coming.

News24 have talked to Linnea Rehn Wittskogmeteorologist at SMHI, who tells us that the first snow will arrive on Friday.

– Right over northern Sweden, or the far north, it’s a bit windy and rainy this week. Until Friday, cold air will descend over the northern parts of the country, and that’s when the showers may change to snowfall instead, she says.

Linnea adds that the snow is expected to land over the Lapland mountains.

Road sign. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TTBig chances that the snow will remain

Even though it’s only September, it’s not unusual for it to snow over the mountains, it’s actually quite common, points out Linnea Rehn Wittskog. She also says that there are good chances that the snow will remain.

– It looks like there will be low temperatures there in the mountains during the weekend and at the beginning of next week. But it is mainly in higher terrain that the snow remains, not that it remains down in the valleys, she says.


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