Displaced people from the “humanitarian zone” battered by bad weather on the coast

Displaced people from the humanitarian zone battered by bad weather

The tragedy of the Gazan population continues. Crushed by bombs, displaced by Israeli military operations, Palestinian civilians are crammed into a tiny territory, a zone called ” humanitarian ” in the south of the Gaza Strip, which represents some 10% of the total area of ​​the enclave. This area which overlooks the coast is overcrowded. The displaced people have pitched their tents right up to the beaches. But with the approach of autumn and the bad weather setting in, the waves engulfed part of their makeshift camp on Monday, September 16.

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Report by Rami Al Meghari in the Gaza Strip, with our correspondent in Jerusalem, Sami Boukhelifa

The wind has died down and the raging sea has calmed down. Khaled Abu Diya had pitched his tent on this beach in Mawassi Khan Younès last spring.

We were sleeping. The sea rose quickly. There was a violent storm and the waves broke right up to our tents, he tells. If the first rains of the season leave us in this state, what will it be like during the winter? ? Where are we going to go? ? Next door, our neighbors and their children were nearly swept away by the floods.. »

Neighbor Nabiha Abu Toha, a mother of three, is now trying to save what can be saved. Look, everything is wet : our clothes, our mattresses and our blankets. It was a deluge, we lost the little we had. And we can’t afford to find somewhere else to live. We don’t have a change of clothes. All our things are to be thrown away ” she notes.

To throw away ” because the sea, at Gazais very polluted, explains Chaabane, Nabiha’s husband: ” Sea water is a mixture of garbage and sewage. We are swimming in diseases and viruses. I appeal to the powerful of this world: if you have any humanity left, make it that this tragedy and this war stop. »

Also readFirst shipment of humanitarian aid arrives in Gaza by sea
