The police’s call to motorists – valid all week

The polices call to motorists valid all week

Do you tend to step on the gas a little extra? Then you should probably think twice. By this week, extra police officers will be on site out in traffic and ahead of that they are going out with an appeal.

So many have died in traffic this year

The Riksdag’s goal is that no one should die in traffic, and in 1997 “Nollvisionen” was established as a cornerstone of Swedish traffic safety work. In order to reach “Vision Zero”, they have set interim targets, one of which is a maximum of 133 deaths and a maximum of 3,100 seriously injured in road traffic by 2030, the Swedish Transport Administration writes on its homepage.

This year, 125 people have already died as a result of traffic accidents between January and July, the police report on their homepage.

– If everyone kept the speed, about 50 lives a year would be saved. So the right speed saves lives, says Maria Krafftdirector of traffic safety at the Swedish Transport Administration, in a message on the website.


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Extra many police out on the roads

To reduce the number of traffic accidents, the police will carry out extra speed checks around the country between 16 and 22 September. They write in a message on their website that they will focus on roads with speed limits of at least 70 kilometers per hour and above, as these are overrepresented in the accident statistics.

– Many underestimate the difference that a few kilometers per hour can have on the outcome of an accident. Our cars are not as safe as you might think, in a head-on collision there is a high risk of being killed if you drive faster than 80 kilometers per hour, says Ursula Edstromtraffic strategist at the police, in a message on the website.

The police announce the speed checks in advance because they have seen more people reduce their speed then, which in turn saves lives.

– Our ultimate goal is always to save lives, not to fine as many people as possible, says Edström.


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