Therefore, viewers believe that Bachelorette-Sonja is dating TV4 profile

Therefore viewers believe that Bachelorette Sonja is dating TV4 profile

That was just over a month ago as the Bachelorette profile Sonja Livbom concluded that she and William Palm Leaf had gone their separate ways.

After William received the last rose in the program, the profiles continued life at home in Sweden. But one day the love story ended, which Sonja wrote in a post on her Instagram.

READ MORE: He is the new man seen next to Bachelorette-Sonja

Sonja and William met in Bachelorette 2024. Image source: TV4

Many wondered what had actually happened when William and Sonja often and often posted videos and pictures on social media where they kissed, cuddled and enjoyed romantic evenings together.

“You were just together and in love anyway? Only a week ago there were kiss videos,” read one of the comments under the picture.

READ MORE: Bachelorette-Sonja: “That’s why my lips look the way they do”

Both Sonja and William have been cryptic about the whole thing but in recent weeks it has started to seep out more and more that they had difficulty getting along because of their differences.

Sonja Livbom: “We were too different”

Sonja commented on it all the first time in The YouTube series Sunday Anxiety.

– Nothing has happened and we haven’t argued…. but we got to a point where we felt that…. it’s probably better that we choose this path…. so we don’t have to argue and then started to hate each other. So we did this at just the right time.

– But he was also involved in it?, asked Malin Norlander.

– Yes, he was. It came… not quickly but… when we were free together, you relax and then we felt that… no…, Sonja told us.

READ MORE: Did Farmen-Viktor just happen to reveal that he will be on the Bachelorette?

William on the other hand talked about it all with Martin Björk.

– We want different things and have different values ​​… we have different needs and are… yes, but very different. So we did best to go our separate ways.

– Can you describe how you are different? You have a lot of balls in the air and so on but she felt that way too, Martin asks again.

– Yes… so we have different ways of looking at a relationship and had different wishes. The chemistry became different… then we came to the realization that we are too different to work well together, says William.

William Palmblad with Martin Björk. Image source: Youtube

– Were you completely in agreement or was someone more driving in breaking up?, asks Martin.

– No, we were in complete agreement, it seems. A lot of things happened in our lives at the same time and that’s how it turned out… yes, but the way it turned out, says William.

– If you meet Sonja now, do you talk and say hello and so on?

– Yes… or at least me haha. No, but we absolutely would. You have to be an adult in the whole thing, concludes William.

Is Sonja dating someone new?

Not entirely unexpected, Sonja’s followers have quickly started their detective work to find out if Sonja is now dating someone new.

She told Nyheter24 that she definitely dated around a bit during the summer.

You’ve been single here for a while, have you had a hot girl summer?

– No, but absolutely. It is “single on the mingle” so to speak.

Have you been on any dates?

– I haven’t been on any dates…

Do you have your eye on someone?

– No, I haven’t…

Valentin Kronlund (who was second to last left on Bachelorette 2024) was initially cast as Bachelor 2025 which the audience cheered. But due to personal reasons, he had to drop out.

Valentin Kronlund. Image source: TV4

As both Valentin and Sonja are single at the same time, many people now suspect that they have started seeing each other again. Something Sonja is asked about on a daily basis.

This week she chose to give an answer – once and for all.

Sonja Livbom responded to the rumour. Image source: livbom/Instagram

“Hahaha no but please I’m laughing so hard at this rumour. No I’m not dating Valentin”.

So – then we know!
