Gas, Arera: ‘PLACET in derogation’ offer extended to 2025

Energy ARERA over 75 million social bonuses paid out in

(Finance) – The “PLACET in deroga“, the offer introduced by ARERA to accompany customers non-vulnerable gases in the transition to market free occurred this year. The PLACET offer in derogation, with economic and contractual conditions defined by the Authority but with an annual fixed component (Pfix) defined by the seller, was applied this year to non-vulnerable customers, families and condominiums, who with the end of gas protection had not yet signed a supply contract in the free market.

THE Sellers they will have to send, to customers currently holding a PLACET offer in derogation, a written communication separate from the bill by September 30, 2024. With this communication, the sellers will propose the renewal, for the year 2025, to the conditions economic more advantageous for the customer between the PLACET in derogation (which leaves the seller free only the fixed marketing component) and the ordinary PLACET (which leaves the seller free both the fixed component and the variable marketing component).

Only if the economic conditions do not change compared to those currently applied, the seller will be able to communicate the renewal in the first available bill without separate communication. new conditions will come into force on 1 January 2025 and will be valid for 12 months, unless the customer decides to sign up for a different offer on the free market.

“The Authority has decided to extend the PLACET offer in derogation to give customers more time to make a more informed choice and participate more actively in the dynamics of the free market” declares Stephen Besseghinipresident of ARERA – The PLACET derogation, in fact, allows customers to easily compare contractual and economic conditions”.
