G7 Labour, Calderone: collaborative climate, satisfaction with outcome

G7 Labour Calderone collaborative climate satisfaction with outcome

(Finance) – The Minister of Labour, Marina Calderone expressed the “ssatisfaction of the Italian presidency and of all the countries for the outcome of the work and the form of a declaration that brings together and enhances themes of absolute centrality for the development of our economies. People at the centre of work and policies for social inclusion”. This was stated in a press conference at the end of the G7 work, adding that the summit took place in a “proactive and collaborative climate”.

“Talking about aging active population does not necessarily have to make us think that something will change in terms of extending the retirement age. Instead, it means how multiple generations can coexist within the world of work”, said Calderone at a press conference at the end of the G7 work.

As for the issue related to female labor integration, employment data is a “cross-cutting issue” https://www.Finance.it/DettaglioNews/123_2024-09-13_TLB/. “In every G7 country, women have lower employment rates than men and the wage gap is also a condition that is found in the seven countries – he said – as far as we are concerned, we reiterate our commitment to supporting female employment and women’s ability to do business, the ability to work within paths that must bring together many conditions, including the conciliation of work-life times. We consider these issues central, such as combating gender, salary and opportunity inequalities. I do not see a reduction in the government’s attention even within the budget maneuver in favor of these policies which are instead necessary to implement the principles of the Cagliari Declaration”.

On AI – “Introducing artificial intelligence into the workplace through social dialogue”, said Calderone, stressing that “The theme of dialogue found agreement among the ministers who confirmed their commitment to enhance collective bargaining”.
