RN is banking on new legislative elections in 2025 and a permanent campaign

RN is banking on new legislative elections in 2025 and

Parliamentary back-to-school seminar and national council, the weekend of September 14-15 was studious for the National Rally (RN). And it’s not over: the far-right movement intends to be on all fronts in the coming months. Because Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella are convinced, the French will be called to the polls again next year, and the RN must be totally ready this time.

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We must already consider ourselves in an election period “, repeated the leaders of the RN this weekend, Marine Le Pen even hoping for the shortest possible term. However, there is no question of repeating the mistakes that led to the disappointment of the last legislative elections. The party has therefore decided to equip itself with campaign directors for the next elections, but also to renew the investiture and executive training commissions.

We must be irreproachable »

We must be irreproachable “, hammered Jordan Bardellawhile the RN is still paying for its dubious castings from the beginning of the summer, and the recent scandal of mandate expenses surrounding its MP Christine Engrand. The movement will also have to keep its head down this fall during the trial on suspicion of embezzlement of European funds, in which Marine Le Pen will be judged and faces a sentence of ineligibility.

It will therefore be necessary to exist outside of this embarrassing news, hence the ” permanent campaign » promised this weekend and which will begin with a first meeting on October 6 in Nice, just after the opening of the embarrassing trial.

Also readFrance: National Rally says it is essential while waiting for the change
