Autostrade per l’Italia, Climate Transition Plan 2024 published

Autostrade per lItalia Climate Transition Plan 2024 published

(Finance) – Goals to be achieved and verification of results on the road to ecological transition. Autostrade per l’Italia has published the “Climate Transition Plan 2024” which defines strategies, objectives and concrete actions to reduce climate-altering emissions and adapt infrastructures to extreme weather events. “The climate commitment – ​​states Piergiorgio Peluso, CFO of the Group – is not a generic declaration of intent, but a central element in the strategy of companies. Nowadays, companies are evaluated on the basis of their commitment to the climate, not only by stakeholders but also by public opinion. For this reason, it is essential to make explicit what you intend to do to mitigate the impacts of climate change by reporting in a transparent and analytical way what has been done. With this document, Aspi confirms its commitment and assumption of responsibility in making its infrastructures resilient and increasingly energy efficient. Each of us has a role to play in combating climate change”.

The Plan – explains Aspi in a note – consolidates theGroup’s commitment to climate transition, outlining an integrated approach that includes business model transformation, risk mitigation, financial planning, stakeholder engagement strategy, governance, targets and relevant metrics. All in line with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, aimed at limiting the increase in global temperature to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels.

The Climate Transition Plan by Aspi, drafted according to the guidelines of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and inspired by the 2023 Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT), places the Group among the “best in class” companies in Europe.

THE key climate indicators and progress achieved – Aspi informs – will be updated and reported annually in the Sustainability Reports and in the Group’s integrated Annual Financial Report. The Plan will be updated in line with the strategic directions and the Group’s structure, at least every five years, and is based on three drivers: ambition, actions along the entire value chain and reporting. The focus on climate issue is implemented through two main objectives: on the one hand, adaptation and resilience to climate change already underway, on the other, mitigation of future climate impacts through decarbonization and development of sustainable mobility. The company’s website will also be periodically updated in the section dedicated to sustainability, with the most relevant news regarding climate change initiatives.
