The bailiff sells a sex toy for SEK 15,000

The bailiff sells a sex toy for SEK 15000

The bailiff is tasked with collecting people’s debts in order to make them debt-free. If you cannot pay off your debts, the Kronofogden can sell property that you own, in order to collect money in this way.

When a property, for example a home or a car, has been sold via the authority, the profit that has come in is distributed between the unpaid debts, the Kronofogden writes on its homepage.

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The bailiff sells a sex toy

During a seizure, the authority seizes everything that can be of value to sell, in order to pay off the debts. Except for the necessities of living a reasonable life.

– There are a lot of items that you are not allowed to take. You are protected in Sweden in such a way that you should be able to live a reasonable life. You must keep the basic benefit property as it is called. You have the right to a sofa, you have the right to a TV, you have the right to a bed and more, said Davor Vuleta, private financial spokesperson at the Crown Prosecutor, previously to News24.

Now the Kronofogden is auctioning off a sex doll with an asking price of SEK 15,000, reports The Express. The sex doll is from the company “Ultimate Fantasy Dolls” and has the product name “Bianca”. It is unused, but the Kronofogden has opened the packaging to be able to take pictures of it.

READ MORE: The item that the Bailiff cannot take from you: “You have the right to a…”

How is the bidding going?

Right now the highest bid is SEK 5,600 and the auction ends on September 19. The bailiff’s requirement is that the bid must be at least SEK 1,000 for the sale to go through.

– We have a demand on ourselves, we must seize what is of value. We sell what is legal to sell. We cannot make any kind of moral judgment, says Helena Esscher at the Kronofogden’s press service to the newspaper.


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