The great flood continues in Central Europe – Poland has already received more water than in the “millennium flood” of 1997 | News in brief

The great flood continues in Central Europe – Poland has

The rain is expected to continue at least until Monday.

Severe heavy rain continues in Central Eastern Europe.

The situation is worst in the Czech Republic and southern parts of Poland. German of the Frankfurter Allgemeine According to

The masses of water have washed away roads and railways between different cities, he says Czech broadcasting company CTK.

Residents are being evacuated from the lowest areas. In the Czech capital, Prague, the situation is calm, reports CTK.

The southern Polish city of Krakow, however, has to struggle with water masses.

Four people are believed to have died as a result of the floods. It is believed that the heavy rain will continue at least until tomorrow, in addition to the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany, in Romania, Austria and Slovakia.

– We are once again face to face with climate change, which is affecting Europe more and more strongly, and with dramatic consequences, President of Romania Klaus Iohannis stated.

Sources: AP, Reuters
