Are your white shoes dirty? This is the easiest way to clean them

Are your white shoes dirty This is the easiest way

Cleaning is perhaps not the most fun thing to do, but usually a necessary evil that makes it feel better, fresher and more fun afterwards. Especially when the home smells clean and you don’t see dust mites or dirt along the moldings.

News24 have previously written about both the oven door and the TV set, and how to clean them and what not to do to risk ruining them.


Simple housewives’ trick: How to clean the oven door quickly

This is how you should never clean your TV – can destroy the screen

Cleaning may not always be the most fun, but sometimes necessary. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT Dirty shoes can be restored

Surely it’s a pain when the shoes get dirty? Not least if they are new and white. But how do you actually clean them in a simple way – regardless of the material they are made of?

It is not unusual for shoes to wear and tear. But when they get dirty, you can use simple tricks to restore them to their former glory instead of discarding them and buying new ones.

Have your white shoes gotten dirty? Don’t worry, there are tricks to fix them – without having to worry about it for too long.

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Photo: Stella Pictures Dirty shoes? Then you should do this

The Nature Conservation Society shares its homepage several tips on how to easily restore your white shoes if they have become dirty and perhaps downright ugly.

First wash off your shoes with a soft brush, alternatively a toothbrush. Use water with detergent dissolved in it.

Then lubricate the shoe with uncolored toothpaste.

Let it sit for a while and then wipe the shoe with a damp cloth.

Have you instead got marks and lines on the shoe? Then you can try erasing the mark or line with an eraser.

Do your white shoes also have white soles? Then apply water mixed with dissolved detergent and then scrub for a while – in no time, they will be like new again.

The best thing about the above mentioned tips is that they work regardless of the material – fabric shoes as well as leather shoes.

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Photo: Stella Pictures
