The secret trick that makes your tomatoes even tastier

The secret trick that makes your tomatoes even tastier

When the autumn frosts begin to approach, it can be difficult to get the tomatoes to ripen outside in the garden. Tony JohanssonGardening Profile, has revealed a simple but effective trick that can help your tomatoes ripen for you and make them taste even better.

He believes that when the temperatures get cooler, it’s time to pick them up. The fact that the tomatoes are not fully ripe does not matter. They continue to ripen indoors.

– They over-ripen if they are allowed to become ready in terms of size on the plant. You can put them a little airy, and you can put them in the window, says Tony Johansson P4 Seven-way.

READ MORE:How do you know your tomato plants are poisoned?

This is how you save the autumn tomatoes

According to gardening expert Tony Johansson, apples may be the key to your tomato dreams. The secret lies in the fact that apples, and other overripe fruits, give off a gas called ethylene. This gas accelerates the ripening of surrounding fruits, including your tomatoes.

– Take apples and things like that that are a little overripe. You put them in the bottom of the pot, as it were, they release gases like this which make the tomatoes ripen a little faster, he tells the radio channel.

READ MORE: That’s why you should water the tomatoes with urine: “Without a doubt”

Risk of mould

If the tomatoes are left outside for too long when the temperature starts to drop, the risk of them starting to mold increases, especially as frost approaches.

The cold can quickly affect the quality of tomatoes and make them more susceptible to damage and mold. To avoid this, gardening expert Tony Johansson recommends not waiting too long to pick them, even if they are still green.

By harvesting the tomatoes in good time, you can let them ripen indoors under controlled conditions. Which not only ensures that they become red and ripe, but also that they retain their flavor and texture.

– It’s like that when the season ends, the decomposers start to come more and more. It gets humid, even in greenhouses, he tells the channel.


Therefore, you should ALWAYS store your tomatoes upside down

From now on, you will always cut tomatoes this way
