Marine Le Pen and the hope of a new dissolution – L’Express

Marine Le Pen and the hope of a new dissolution

For Marine Le Pen, the observation is clear: the political situation “cannot hold”. “We find ourselves in a system where the one who has the fewest votes is responsible for forming a government”, she pointed out, this Saturday, September 14, on the occasion of the parliamentary return of the elected representatives of her group in the Assembly. An obvious reference to the arrival of Michel Barnier, from the ranks of LR, at Matignon.

“There are ten months left and I am convinced that at the end of these ten months, or in the spring or in the autumn, there will be new legislative elections. […]”Let’s hope that this term will be as short as possible,” insisted the leader of the National Rally (RN).

“France cannot function like this”

Although her party was put back at the heart of the political game with the arrival of Michel Barnier at Matignon, under the constant threat of a joint motion of censure from the left and the RN, Marine Le Pen nevertheless considered that the “great country that is France cannot function like this”. A position that contrasts with that of Emmanuel Macron, who has made it known that he does not wish to dissolve the National Assembly again before the end of his term at the Elysée.

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The Head of State cannot pronounce the dissolution of the Assembly “within the year following” the last legislative elections, called following his decision to dissolve this chamber on the evening of the last European elections, on June 9.

Speaking before Marine Le Pen, Jordan Bardella hopes that RN parliamentarians will become “unavoidable”. “We must remain a constructive opposition whose only compass is the interest of the country and the interest of the French people”, maintained the party president, while calling on his troops to “cross a new threshold and become an influential opposition”. “Your role is […] to snatch victories everywhere for everyday life as well as for the sovereign,” he urged.
