Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Gerald Ford… American presidential election, these incredible losers – L’Express

Al Gore Hillary Clinton Gerald Ford American presidential election these

Kamala Harris or Donald Trump? In less than two months, the United States will have a new president… but also a new “historic loser”, like others before them. Behind the journey of these legendary “losers”, who have remained very famous or fallen into oblivion, the history of American politics is drawn. For its return, La Loupe paints a portrait of five of them, in the company of Françoise Coste, professor of American civilization at the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès.

A few votes apart, recounts, an intervention by the Supreme Court… The line between victory and defeat had never been as porous as in 2000. In this first episode, we tell you about the defeat of Al Gore, who promised to change the trajectory of the country.

His 1964 presidential campaign made him a pioneer of American populism. In this second episode, we examine the enduring ideological legacy of Barry Goldwater, the Republican Party’s unsuccessful candidate.

The assassination of Robert Francis Kennedy, known as “Bobby”, is less famous than that of his elder JFK. In this third episode, we draw the portrait of this candidate in the Democratic primaries of 1968 caught up in the violence of the American political arena.

Catapulted to the White House after Richard Nixon’s resignation, Gerald Ford made a series of blunders and clumsiness. In this episode, we tell you how his 1976 campaign turned into a farce… not unlike a certain Joe Biden.

She was already nicknamed the “future president”. In this latest episode, we look back at Hillary Clinton’s unexpected defeat in 2016. That year, she lost to the new champion of populism: a certain Donald Trump.


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