Why install a swimming pool enclosure?

Why install a swimming pool enclosure

The pool enclosure can be compared to a “bubble” that partially or completely encompasses a swimming pool. It is described as being both a safety device and an asset for the environment. Low, semi-high or high, each to their own aesthetic side to adopt depending on the terrain and according to their tastes. But, in practice, what are the real uses of this installation?

In addition to being part of the devices that meet a legal safety obligation, the pool enclosure allows you to enjoy the pleasure of swimming all year round. There are different sizes of shelter: it can be high or low. Also, different materials are used to build it: drink, aluminum, steel

Guarantee the safety of all

The pool enclosure plays a particularly important role in keeping your loved ones safe. Indeed, since 1er January 2004, all pool which is fully or semi-buried must provide proof of equipment allowing securing the pool. The objective of this legal system is in particular to fight against the risk of drowning of young children. This security can be ensured by alarm, barriers but also by a shelter. Thus, the latter will perfectly allow this legal standard to be respected. The advantage here is twofold: you respect the law and you protect your loved ones.

Enjoy your pool for longer

The use of a swimming pool dome will allow you to bathe more throughout the year. Indeed, the installation of a shelter will allow its owner to see the water temperature rise by a few degrees. This benefit is possible thanks to thegreenhouse effect : the heat is captured within the shelter and consequently warms the water. The bathing period will therefore be extended and it will be possible to bathe longer, even when the season summer will be over.

Even more, it is ecological and economical. Indeed, the heating of the swimming pool is possible thanks to a natural process. Thus, the owner avoids resorting to energy-consuming techniques which, moreover, increase the amount of his bill.energy.

Healthier pool water

By installing a membrane that creates a separation hermetic with the outside, the enclosure will thus protect the swimming pool from different types of pollution. Here again, it is possible to see several benefits in this.

First, the owner can say no more deposits of twigs or dead leaves in the basin. As a result, he will no longer waste his time removing all the debris and dirt that floats on the surface. And the insects flying around the pool will no longer get trapped there.

Thus, the use of cleaning products for the swimming pool will be drastically reduced. The result is economical but also ecological, once again. Indeed, reducing the use of chemicals necessarily has a positive impact for our planet since these will not be discharged into the wastewater.

What you must remember

  • The shelter makes it possible to secure those around you and to respect the law.
  • It can represent a real aesthetic added value for your property.
  • The use of a swimming pool enclosure is practical, economical, ecological and aesthetic.

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