To avoid a fine from the SNCF, you have every interest in having this app on your phone

To avoid a fine from the SNCF you have every

It is not always enough to have a valid and validated train ticket to avoid a fine…

On board trains, ticket checks are regular to ensure that each passenger is in order. However, it happens that passengers forget to take a precious document with them, which can be problematic in certain situations, particularly when the ticket is nominative or is subject to a fare reduction. The inspectors can then impose a fine, because they are not able to carry out their check. In France, at the SNCF, these situations are frequent and although frustrating for those who have paid for their journey, they are necessary to prevent fraud.

In addition to a valid transport ticket, proof of reduction (subscription or commercial card) in certain cases, the traveler must also have with him his valid identity document. Whether it is the identity card, the driving license, the passport or the residence permit. If most keep these documents with them in their wallet, others have a photo of the front and back of their identity document or a digital scan on their phone, but this is not valid in the eyes of the controllers.

Indeed, as the French National Railway Company indicates on its site : “digital ID documents (photo or scan on your phone, paper photocopy, etc.) are not accepted.” Why? Because according to the Transport Code and article L2241-11 “the passenger is required, when requested by the transport company, to present a document certifying his identity so that the concordance between this and the identity mentioned on his transport ticket can be verified”. This ensures that each ticket used corresponds to its holder.

During a check, if you are unable to present a physical ID, you are considered to be in violation. In this case, the SNCF agent will ask you to regularize your situation by paying a fine on the spot with an increase. For this type of offense, the amount of the fine is in the hundreds of euros. On the other hand, what can avoid you a fine is to have the France Identité application on your phone. Since the beginning of June, the SNCF has accepted the dematerialized identity card if it is registered via this application, set up by the government two years ago.
