Trump or Harris? That’s how the party leaders would vote in the US

Trump or Harris Thats how the party leaders would vote

The 2024 US presidential election falls on November 5.

Already now, the Swedish party leaders have said which presidential candidate they would vote for if they participated in the American election.

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As you know, the 2024 presidential election is between the Democrats Kamala Harrisformer vice president of Joe Bidenand the Republican Donald Trump who was president between the years 2016 and 2020.

READ MORE: All About Kamala Harris: Husband, Education and Origins

This is how Sweden’s party leaders would vote in the 2024 US presidential election

First up is the party leader of the Social Democrats and Sweden’s former city minister Magdalena Andersson. There is no doubt which presidential candidate she prefers.

– Harris, a matter of course!, she tells Svenska Dagbladet when she is asked the question.

Magdalena Andersson (S) and Nooshi Dagostar (V). Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT & Jonas Ekströmer/TT

She is not alone among party leaders in preferring Kamala Harris to Donald Trump.

Both Nooshi Dadgostarparty leader of the Left Party, and Amanda Lindone of the spokespersons for the Green Party, prefers Harris.

Even the relatively new party leader of the Center Party, Muharrem Demirokopting for “Taylor Swift’s choice,” as he chooses to phrase it.

Muharrem Demirok (C) and Amanda Lind (MP). Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT.Trump or Harris? The Tidö parties choose that

Among the Tidö parties, people are not as confident.

Ebba Buschparty leader of the Christian Democrats, chooses to respond diplomatically.

– As deputy prime minister for Sweden, it is my task, I believe, to be able to cooperate with both President Trump and President Harris. To respect the American people’s election results and look out for Sweden’s best interests, she tells the newspaper.

In a similar spirit answers Johan Pehrsonparty leader of the Liberals. He believes that if you represent Sweden’s government, you should be “careful about saying exactly who you are rooting for”.

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Johan Pehrson (L) and Ebba Busch (KD). Photo: Jessica Gow/TT & Henrik Montgomery/TT.

Also the party leader for the Moderates and Sweden’s Minister of Urban Affairs Ulf Kristersson does not want to share which presidential candidate he prefers in the US election.

of the Sweden Democrats Jimmie Åkesson also does not want to reveal who he would vote for in the US election.

Ulf Kristersson (M) and Jimmie Åkesson (SD). Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT & Johan Nilsson/TT.

– I think that I don’t have to choose. It’s absolutely amazing! I live in Sweden and here we don’t choose America’s next president, they do that over there, says Åkesson The Swedish Daily.

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So none of the Swedish party leaders openly show sympathy for the Republican candidate.
