“It all depends on”: should you get up or stay in bed when you wake up before the alarm?

It all depends on should you get up or stay

An often annoying situation…

We can never repeat it enough: for a restful sleep, regular bedtime and waking up are essential. However, sometimes we wake up before the alarm goes off, without knowing why. What is best in this case? Wait to fall back asleep or get up and start the day without waiting? Our sleep specialist enlightens us.

First of all, you should know that there are different types of nighttime awakenings. There are those related to REM sleep (the last phase of the sleep cycle), to dream content or to the in-between stages of sleep. “Knowing whether or not to stay in bed will depend on the time of night waking and the constraints you have during the day.” explains Dr. Françoise Vecchierini, sleep specialist and member of the National Institute of Sleep and Vigilance. “If you have to get up at 7 o’clock and you wake up at 6:40, that’s not a big deal.” No need to stress about going back to sleep since there are only a few minutes left. You can get up and start your day.

On the other hand, the situation is different if you wake up around 4 or 5 a.m. while the alarm does not ring until 7 or 8 a.m. The specialist then advises getting up to fall back asleep better, rather than waiting for time to pass in bed. “If your awakening is due to a nightmaregoing back to bed immediately carries a risk of picking up the thread of your bad dream. It is better to wait until it fades away” illustrates Dr. Vecchierini. In general, remember that “If the night waking continues, the person still has an interest in getting up and doing an activity that they enjoy and that is not exciting.” That’s to say ?

You need to keep yourself busy, but not too busy. For example, listen to soft music, make yourself a hot drink, read a little with the lighting dimmed… The activities that help you fall back asleep depend on each person’s rituals. “Some people manage to do relaxation or heart rate regulation exercises to fall back asleep easily.” adds the specialist. Be careful, it is better to resist the urge to look at the phone or television, screens do not help you fall asleep at all, on the contrary.

Finally, rest assured, it is not abnormal to wake up before your alarm. “If awakening is unique, there is nothing to worry about”according to the expert. But if nighttime awakenings are repeated and regularly lead to fatigue during the day, this may require treatment with a sleep specialist.
