Beware if you have a subscription with Orange! The operator has just sent an email to its customers discreetly mentioning the introduction of new fees, in small print.

Beware if you have a subscription with Orange The operator

Beware if you have a subscription with Orange! The operator has just sent an email to its customers discreetly mentioning the introduction of new fees, in small print.

For over a year, mobile operators and internet service providers (ISPs) have been increasing the price increases of their subscriptions. At the time, it was Bouygues Telecom that started the process, quickly followed by its competitors SFR and Orange. Only Free has committed to not touching the price of its packages until 2027, despite a tough period of inflation. Over the months, users have had the unpleasant surprise of seeing increases of 1, 2, 3 or even 4 euros per month on their various packages. Increases that were most often announced to them by email, but sometimes in a more underhanded way – for example, at the bottom of a bill, as SFR had done.

If you have an Internet subscription with Orange, keep an eye on your emails right now! Under the cover of a banal newsletter giving tips on how to erase your online presence or create a strong password, the ISP is announcing new fees for some of its fiber subscribers.

Reading the small print, we learn that starting October 10, a fee of 49 euros will apply to subscribers wishing to switch to a cheaper subscription. The news in itself is not surprising. Orange is known for its astronomical fees and increases are common among operators and ISPs. It is especially the way of doing things that is revolting and makes you want to run away.

Moreover, the historic operator indicates, in all all all, but really very small, that it is possible to cancel one’s subscription without paying these fees following this announcement. Because yes, if this increase is carried out within a legal framework and it is impossible to oppose it, let us recall that subscribers have the right to request to change their offer – for another less expensive one – or to cancel their current subscription without charge and without taking into account the commitment period within four months following receipt of the email, in accordance with Article L224-33 of the Consumer Code.
