According to almost 20,000 Moviepilot readers, this is the best sci-fi film

According to almost 20000 Moviepilot readers this is the best

When we talk about sci-fi classics, many people first think of the 90s hits Matrix and Jurassic Park, or even earlier classics like Blade Runner and 2001: A Space Odyssey. However, almost 20,000 people voted for a newer film on Moviepilot and chose it as the best sci-fi film with an extremely high average rating.

Interstellar is the best sci-fi film ever, according to nearly 20,000 voters

The Dark Knight maker Christopher Nolan is not only one of the most popular superhero directors. He also has a large and loyal following in the science fiction field – not just at Moviepilot. It is not for nothing that two of the three best-rated sci-fi films of all time are his. Here is the Top 3 of Moviepilot readers:

  • 1st place with a rating of 8.3/10: Interstellar (19,736 votes)
  • 2nd place with a rating of 8.2/10: Inception (78,491 votes)
  • 3rd place with a rating of 8.0/10: Dune: Part Two (1,848 votes)
  • In order to achieve a meaningful result, we only included films with over 1,000 ratings in the final selection.

    Other top 10 representatives are, unsurprisingly, Matrix, the AI ​​drama Her, the Star Wars films Star Wars and Return of the Jedi and the Marvel spectacles Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers 3: Infinity War. Infinity War is actually the most popular sci-fi film on our sister site AdoroCinema , which inspired us to write this article.

    Close behind are sci-fi films that are a little further away from the mainstream. The Soviet classic Stalker, the Miyazaki anime Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind and the Garland thriller Ex Machina all received very high ratings of over 7.7 out of 10. The childhood film that millennials love, Jurassic Park, actually “only” received a 7.3 out of 10 on Moviepilot.

    This is what voters praise about the sci-fi masterpiece Interstellar

    Of the 19,736 Moviepilot readers who rated Interstellar, a full 2,178 people voted Nolan’s sci-fi epic as their favorite filmMany are impressed by Matthew McConaughey’s highly emotional acting, the alien planetary worlds and the scientific foundation of the hard sci-fi film. The booming and stirring score by Hans Zimmer is also often cited as an argument for the film’s genius.

    Moviepilot user HenrysWelten writes that there is no better film set in space:

    I am always absolutely impressed by this masterpiece by Christopher Nolan. For me by far the best space film. The embedding of the film in a physically realistic context creates absolute fascination for space.

    “An absolute must for all film fans!” notes Moviepilot member DonOnn. For him, Interstellar is a “A masterpiece of modern cinema that leaves an unforgettable impression with its epic scale, deep plot, magnificent soundtrack and outstanding performance by Matthew McConaughey.”

    The Moviepilot editorial team also agrees that Interstellar is something very special. We chose the space film on 4th place in the best sci-fi films since 2000which for us is only beaten by Coherence, AI and Children of Men.

    Anyone who now wants to watch the extensive, 169-minute sci-fi work can currently in Germany unfortunately not with a flat rate However, you can rent Interstellar from popular streaming services such as Amazon, Apple or Google Play for a few euros.
