Tidöpartierna: Strong increase in re-migration allowance

The return migration allowance is being increased substantially.
The Tidöpartierna announced this in a press conference on Thursday.
– The grant is aimed at people who voluntarily want to return to the countries they originally come from, says Johan Forssell (M).

The government and SD will present on Thursday a major investment in an increased return migration allowance.

– A set of regulations must be drawn up for the new re-migration allowance, which will amount to a maximum of SEK 350,000 per person, says SD’s migration policy spokesperson Ludvig Aspling during a press meeting with the government.

This despite previous criticism from the own investigator.

Investigators advised against

Investigator Joakim Ruist previously advised against a large increase. According to Ruist, that would send the signal that the target group is unwanted in Sweden and thus have a negative impact on the will to integrate.

The Migration Minister does not agree.

– There are probably very big risks in not doing anything at all as well, says Migration Minister Johan Forssell (M).

In the long term, 1,300 people would emigrate per year, and overall the proposal is said to cost just under SEK 2.5 billion over three years.

“Does not target countries”

The new legislation must enter into force no later than 1 January 2026 and must not be directed at countries but at individuals.

– It is aimed at people who voluntarily want to return to the countries they originally come from, says Johan Forssell (M).
