Sesa, revenues and profits stable in the first quarter. The Digital Green sector weighs

Sesa analysts cut estimates and target price Market overreaction

(Telestock) – Sesaa company listed on Euronext STAR Milan and active in technological innovation and IT and digital services for businesses, closed the first quarter of the fiscal year ended April 30, 2025 (ended July 31, 2024) with Revenues and Other Income consolidated for 783 million euros (+1% Y/Y) and a Operating Profitability (Ebitda) consolidated at 56.6 million euros, up 1.5% Y/Y, also confirming the ability to attract and retain skills and specialized human capital with 6,073 resources as of July 31, 2024 (+17.1% Y/Y).

The Adjusted Net Result attributable to the Group as of July 31, 2024 is equal to 26.6 million euros (Group EAT Adjusted margin 3.4%, stable Y/Y), up 0.5% Y/Y compared to 26.5 million euros as of July 31, 2023.

There Net Financial Position Consolidated at 31 July 2024, it is active (net liquidity) for Eu 184.1 million compared to Eu 208.5 million at 31 July 2023.

“In a challenging market context and after having doubled revenues and profitability in the last 4 years, the results at 31 July 2024 confirm the validity of our strategy of developing skills and applications, consolidating the growth of the last few years and absorbing the economic downturn in the Digital Green sector – commented theAD Alessandro Fabbroni – We continue to invest, also with bolt-on M&A operations, in the most innovative technologies, supporting our stakeholders in the current phase of digital evolution, in line with our purpose of creating long-term sustainable value, promoting digital innovation of companies and organizations and the well-being of people”.

Sesa highlights that it achieved high single digit growth results (revenues +7.1%, Ebitda +10.9% and Adjusted Net Profit +9.5%) in Quarter 1 excluding the Digital Green sector from the Group’s perimeterdown 49% in revenues compared to Q1 2024 driven by the extraordinary contribution of public incentives; Digital Green revenues are expected to stabilize in the next quarter, with a consequent more favorable trend in the Group’s revenues.
