Retirees will receive an important letter: it contains very good news

Retirees will receive an important letter it contains very good

You should keep an eye on your mailbox in the coming days.

In the doldrums of the start of the school year and its many heavy expenses, mainly tax-related, good news is rare. However, there is some in this month of September. At least one, for retirees, that we should not miss. If all those concerned have not yet had the information, it will arrive very quickly in the mailboxes since the National Old Age Insurance Fund will send a written letter in a few days.

Nearly a million people will receive this letter, which will be sent on Monday, September 16 by the CNAV services. It will detail technical announcements made in the media and the direct consequences for the finances of the people concerned. This should be welcomed with joy.


Indeed, the message sent will detail a mechanism of the pension reform that took much longer than expected to become operational: that of the increase in certain pensions, expected for a year. It will thus announce to 850,000 people that an additional payment of 600 euros, on average, will appear in their bank account from Wednesday, September 25.

It concerns retirees who have accumulated their 120 quarters of contributions during their career and who do not receive more than 847.57 euros gross of basic pension nor more than 1352.23 euros gross of pension, basic and supplementary combined. These are therefore those receiving the increased contributory minimum. The latter was to be increased from September 2023.

A promise of the last reform, the revaluation of small pensions had still not been fully implemented due to an administrative glitch. The 600 euros paid will therefore correspond to the catch-up of the last 12 months. The letter will also specify that from the monthly payment in October, the amount received by beneficiaries will be increased, on average, by 50.94 euros.

While the mail will therefore arrive automatically in a few days to eligible people, without them having to do anything, retirees can find out if they are concerned by using the retirement insurance simulator, by clicking here.
