Giorgia Meloni pushes police away from Palazzo Chigi for fear of leaks

Giorgia Meloni pushes police away from Palazzo Chigi for fear

According to the famous centrist daily The Stampfollowing the resignation of the Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano, embroiled in an affair of adultery with one of his alleged advisers, Maria Rosaria Boccia, to whom he may have confided information on sensitive subjects, the Prime Minister has lost confidence in the police officers responsible for the security of the government headquarters.

1 min

With our correspondent in Rome, Anne Le Nir

Deeply irritated by the revelations about the extramarital relationship between the former Minister of Culture and a businesswoman and influencer who accompanied him on various official trips, which suggests that she may have had confidential information, the head of government has decided to remove from the floor where her office is located police officers in charge of security at Palazzo Chigi.

Meloni fears plots and leaks: withdraw police from Palazzo Chigi office “, title The Stamp. Giorgia Meloni would no longer trust anyone but his escort men. The government press service denies any change in security arrangements. Only the presence of a police officer on duty in the elevator would be questioned. ” he says.

Bunker Syndrome »

But police unions assure that ” Four police officers were assigned to other duties “. ” It is not [à la Première ministre] to decide who and how should ensure their own security “, adds the police union Silp Cgil, we can read in The Republic.

The opposition is getting excited and is talking about a ” bunker syndrome “The Democratic Party believes that ” unacceptable, that Giorgia Meloni considers as police spies » employed at the headquarters of the Presidency of the Council.
