Peru’s former president Alberto Fujimori, convicted of human rights violations, has died at the age of 86 | News in brief

Perus former president Alberto Fujimori convicted of human rights violations

Fujimori, who carried out economic reforms with a heavy hand in the 1990s, was convicted of crimes against humanity in 2009. He was released from prison in December last year.

Former President of Peru Alberto Fujimori has died at the age of 86. Of his death told the president’s children, who say their father had a long battle with cancer.

In the years 1990-2000, Fujimori, who was the president of Peru, temporarily made Peru one of the most stable economies in South America, but the president, who led the country with an autocratic grip, was eventually sentenced to 25 years in prison for crimes against humanity.

Fujimori ruthlessly used Peru’s armed forces and his power to modify the constitution to push Peru in an economically liberal direction and under tough terrorism laws.

After winning his third term as president in 2000, Fujimori went into exile in Japan in the aftermath of a corruption scandal.

After going into exile, the charges against Fujimori piled up, but the dual citizenship of Japan and Peru allowed him to be safe from possible extradition to Peru, as Japan does not extradite its citizens to other countries.

Return and judgment

Fujimori finally decided to travel to Peru in 2005 in an effort to restart his political career in the country. He was already arrested during a layover in Chile, which extradited the ex-president to Peru.

In 2009, Fujimori was convicted of crimes against humanity. The verdict was related to the massacres committed by the death squads of the Peruvian Armed Forces in 1991 and 1992, in which 25 people died. Some of the victims were children.

The amnesty of Fujimori, who suffered from numerous health problems, was implemented in December of last year.

Sources: Reuters
