The French Foreign Minister denounces a “ crime against humanity » :
Fifty people, including five children, killed by a missile strike on the station of this Ukrainian city, ” death fell from the sky “, formula The Parisianthis time, ” the strike hit the station in the heart “. Denouncing a ” heinous mass murder “, the special correspondents of this newspaper describe with modesty, but without omitting details, the crime scene. ” There have been deaths everywhere, here and there », is terrified The Parisian.
Crime scene ? On the antennas of France 5 television, Jean-Yves Le Drian denounced a “ crime against humanity in Kramatorsk. And even if, as the tip Le FigaroMoscow denied any intervention, denying having the type of missiles such as the one that fell on the Kramatorsk station, while denouncing a “ provocation “Ukrainian campaign aimed at preventing civilians from fleeing to use them” as human shields “, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs did not budge. ” They hit the station on refugees, so on civilians, so it responds to crimes against humanity “, said the head of French diplomacy.
Crime against humanity at Kramatorsk station? The French president refused to say so. Asked by website RawEmmanuel Macron considered that it would be up to justice to qualify the facts, while repeating that Russia was committing ” war crimes ” in Ukraine. Shade.
Only one day left to choose which ballot to slip tomorrow into the ballot box for the first round of the presidential election in France. On the eve of the election, uncertainty remains, fueled by the fear of abstention:
“ A day to decide “, launches “the One” of the Parisian. The election campaign now over in a perfume of indecision, the hour is henceforth to be silent. Until the verdict, this Sunday evening », Says this newspaper.
Le Figaro don’t write anything else. ” The die is cast, starts this daily. Silence is imposed for a few hours on the great political media machinery (…) France holds its breath “. Tomorrow wants to believe Le Figaro“ the knowledgeable, the powerful will not be worth more than the little ones and the rankless: it’s the people’s hour “. So ? So addressing to all French people “, this newspaper enjoins them to fulfill their duty as voters, because ” the future of our country is in your hands. See you at the polls: no one should be missing “, sum Le Figaro.
Call for good citizenship, therefore, but overall, no question for the general French press to give any voting instructions. With the notable exception of a so-called “evening” daily:
At the end of a very Jesuitical development, The world, since it is about him, is careful not to advise his readers for whom to vote. No no ! But that does not prevent him from expressing in black and white all the evil he thinks of two of the twelve candidacies, the names of which we will not mention here.
Of course, says The world, the role of this newspaper, is not to support a candidate, even less to call to vote for him “. But it is nevertheless what this newspaper does in hollow, by expressing all the evil which it thinks of two candidates. Claiming a “ nonpartisan journalism (who) is nevertheless based on values », The world boldly believes that the said values ” can (I’)incite to alert on a certain number of dangers “.
This allows him to affirm that two candidacies are, according to him, ” incompatible with all (his) principles, just as much as they are contrary to republican values, to the national interest and to the image of France “. Just that !