Google has opened its AI Test Kitchen tools to many markets, including Türkiye

Internet giant Google has recently emerged focused on artificial intelligence AI Test Kitchen its vehicles to many markets including Türkiye opened.

Picture here on the page, “Experiment at the intersection of artificial intelligence and creativity” The vehicles highlighted with the description, ImageFX, an image generation system based on Imagen 3A video production system that still requires a waiting list to use in Turkey VideoFX, focused on music production MusicFX and focused on text production TextFXFrom vehicles Here is Google’s statement for VideoFX: “VideoFX is an experimental technology that allows you to create your own synthetic videos. Remember to respect the rights of others and act responsibly, especially when producing videos about people. Please review the videos before using them as they may show incorrect information about different subjects, including people. You may request removal of videos in accordance with our policies or applicable laws. VideoFX is powered by Google’s generative model Veo and uses Google DeepMind’s new watermarking technology SynthID to digitally watermark all videos.


“We need your help to make AI better for everyone. Our videos and prompt suggestions are still experimental. If you see inappropriate content, please report it here or by clicking the flag icon so we can build AI responsibly together.”

For ImageFX, the following is quoted: “ImageFX is an experimental technology that allows you to create your own synthetic images. Remember to respect the rights of others and act responsibly, especially when creating images of people. Please double-check before using the images as they may display incorrect information, including people.

You may request removal of images under our policies or applicable law. ImageFX is powered by Google’s Imagen 2 model and uses Google DeepMind’s new watermarking technology SynthID to digitally watermark outputs. We need your help to improve AI for everyone. The images and prompt suggestions generated are experimental. You may report content under our policies or applicable law or provide feedback by clicking the flag icon so we can improve AI responsibly together.”

For MusicFX, the following is reported: MusicFX is an experimental technology that lets you create your own music. Some queries that mention specific artists or include vocals cannot be generated. MusicFX is powered by Google’s MusicLM model and uses Google DeepMind’s new watermarking technology, SynthID, to digitally watermark outputs. We need your help as we improve AI for everyone. The sound and prompt suggestions generated are experimental. You can report content under our policies or applicable laws or provide feedback by clicking the flag icon so we can improve AI responsibly together.”

For TextFX, the following is reported: “TextFX is an experimental technology that lets you enhance the writing process by creating creative possibilities with text and language. Please verify your outputs as TextFX may display incorrect information, including people. TextFX is powered by Google’s PaLM 2 model and was developed in collaboration with Lupe Fiasco, drawing on his career-long lyrical and linguistic techniques. We need your help as we improve AI for everyone. The outputs generated are experimental. You can report content under our policies or applicable laws or provide feedback by clicking the flag icon so we can improve AI responsibly together.”
