Fixing systems, Berardi (HIG Capital) acquires Fixi

Lindbergh purchases two company branches in Verona

(Telestock) – HIG Capitala global investment fund with $65 billion in capital under management, has announced that its portfolio company Berardian Italian company active in the distribution of fasteners and in the provision of integrated logistics services, has completed the acquisition of Fixa distributor of fastening systems. Financial details of the deal were not disclosed.

Based in Turin, Fixi is active in Italy in fastening systems, offering a wide range of products such as rivets, threaded inserts, self-clinching, welding pins and related professional equipment. With warehouses in Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Marche and Abruzzo, Fixi is the largest distributor of the category at national levelserving over 2,000 industrial customers in Italy and across Europe.

“We are pleased to continue to support Berardi in its ambitious growth project and in strengthening its leadership in the supply of industrial components with value-added services – commented Raffaele Legnani, Managing Director of HIG Capital in Italy – With the acquisition of Fixi, the Group further consolidates its leadership position in the sector and confirms its active role as a market aggregator platform”.
