Is your child having trouble falling asleep? Here are 5 foods to try to help them sleep

Is your child having trouble falling asleep Here are 5

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    Is it hard for your child to fall asleep? An expert has revealed the foods to favor in the evening to see him fall into the arms of Morpheus more easily. To try!

    With the return to school, getting back into a school rhythm is not always easy and many children still have trouble falling asleep. But part of the solution to this slight gap could well be found in diet.

    Have cookies and bananas in stock

    On the media website Mirror, Sleep expert Martin Seeley has shared some tips that can help your child fall asleep, and therefore help them sleep in the short term. He believes that the key lies in oatmeal biscuits.

    “What your child eats close to bedtime can contribute to the quality of their sleep. Foods such as oatmeal, banana and milk cookies contain an amino acid called tryptophan. It makes them sleepy and therefore more likely to fall asleep.” evokes the expert.

    Other foods like THE oilseeds Or whole grains are also rich in tryptophan.

    How does it work? The amino acid is involved in the synthesis of melatonin, the sleep hormone. More specifically, tryptophan is a precursor of serotonin, the so-called happiness and mood hormone, which is itself involved in the synthesis of melatonin. Consuming it therefore helps you fall asleep better.

    Consult a doctor online for your sleep disorders

    Good habits to adopt in parallel

    The foods mentioned are, however, only a natural aid to be put in place and do not act miraculously at bedtime, it is therefore necessary to consume them at the end of the day or early evening, specifies the expert, and not only at the time of slipping under the covers.

    In addition, they cannot replace a healthy lifestyle and good habits taught to children. Such as stopping screens and exposure to blue light at least two hours before bedtime so as not to compromise the secretion of melatonin. In the event of successive wake-ups, the expert finally advises bringing the child back to his room, calmly and without too much interaction to create a difference between day and night time. And make him understand that it is high time to sleep.

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